Why DID blizzard merge with activision anyway?

Actually Vivendi bought Gameloft which itself was founded by Ubisoft co-founder Michel Guillemot

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Why is this even questioned?

We just play the games - don’t care about the corporation. Unless you’re a stock holder you shouldn’t care…and this question should be posted elsewhere not on WoW forums.

Makes games I can play and that’s all I want from a video game company.

Likely for money?

Considering that we have Activision products advertised on the Battle.net launcher I’d say it was so Activision could put their own stamp on Blizzard.

Remember the cinematic where Sargeras offers the Triumvirate to take the demon’s gift and turn into what we now know as Archimonde and Kil’Jaeden? It was essentially that.

Bobby Kotick offered the three leads of Blizzard money to make any games they want. Their company would prosper. Their games would be incredible. Mike Morheim saw the truth and tried his hardest, but eventually he had to turn away from the company he worked so hard for. The story of the Draenei was a metaphor for the Activision-Blizzard merger.

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That’s creative and funny, but completely implausible. I’m sure the three game directors had no say whatsoever in that decision. It’s all in the hands of the board of directors and (sometimes) the shareholders.

All of this.

At the end of the day a business exists to make money.

Someone’s rude lmao

he’s right and this is a bizarre thread to bump