Why did Anduin cut his hair short?

I like his new look.


Genuinely can’t wait to experience Anduin’s arc. He’s been my favorite character along with Jaina for years now.


Same tbh. The crap Jaina went through and her arc in BFA was excellent. Anduins been though so much crap for a lot longer it seems and I’m wondering too where it will go.


As a fellow PTSD sufferer, my belief on why Anduin cut his hair is because he did not want to hurt himself and leave a scar that would remind him of his pain.

I did this during the height of my PTSD. I would cut my hair and destroy it so I wouldn’t feel the need to leave a mark that would only remind me of my troubles in the future.


Because he doesn’t feel like that Anduin anymore. His hair was kinda iconic so he destroyed it.

Its a less invasive method of self harm really. ( At least a neat way to show self harm without showing obvious cutting scars that might bump the rating up ) Kinda similar to folks with hair pulling coping mechanisms where they pluck out their hair or eyelashes. Since that small ping of pain when hair is plucked can help soothe someones stress.


That’s true. However, he exploaded hair in both the plus & minus Z axis. His goaty was legendary!:metal:

Anduin is desperately trying to grow up into a strong man like his father Varian, after being forced to be a crying soy boy by the writers for several expansions against his will.

The Jailer’s control he could tolerate, that was cool. But the true Jailers were the weird writers
 and even now they torment him and won’t leave him alone

Because nothing feels better than a fresh buzz cut.


Why did Anduin cut his hair short?

So he can stop catching fleas from Genn and all the Worgens.


Varian turned into a vegetable and ignored his duties as king and father. It got to the point of almost destroying his relationship with his son, only for Anduin to turn around and change his own father to make him a better person.

Anduin in lore has been depicted as being a far better leader and strategist. Just cause he’s not a zug warrior like his father doesn’t make him weak, especially with how much willpower he’s displayed through many trials and tribulations. Kid had the strength to stand up to Garrosh (even though it almost killed him) and the fortitude to not back down from Saurfang’s aggression in the jail cell.

He’s also a very empathetic and compassionate person which makes him much more likely to get into his own feelings, but unlike his father who lashed out at others, Anduin chose to isolate because he didn’t want to hurt others.

Genuinely weird to see people talk about the character of Anduin as being a “soyboy”. He’s literally teared up twice, once when staring into the light of a thousand suns and the other time when having a massive PTSD moment reliving a time he was possessed by a supervillain in literal superhell. He’s also still a kid.


yeah I tend to pull my eye lashes, brows and pick at myself due to generalized anxiety panic disorder.

Also in the past when my depression got really bad Id get an obsessive need to want to get my hair cut
 Which if I didnt go within the day or so Id just self shave it off, sometimes it would lead to
everywhere I seen hair

I get depressed and self conscious about my looks xP hate it.


Or it’s easier to get the sand out
maybe both

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Have you ever had long hair? It’s a damn nightmare to care for even with modern means.


In a galaxy far, far away, Anduin and Anakin are relatives.


Because he’s done being a hippie.

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More Steven amell

Omg yes. My hair is long, thick and dense. It takes a good 15-20 minutes to wash and make sure it’s fully rinsed, and is usually still wet in the under most layers at bed time. If I don’t go in every 4-6 weeks to have it thinned out it becomes an unruly mess that makes me want to shave it all off.


His long hair was probably weighing him down
 being perpetually soaked with tears and all.

Wandering everywhere with just a sword, probably the only cut he could do by himself with that sword.

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There is a belief when a person cuts their hair it is to leave the past behind. He is leaving his childhood to be himself.

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