Why DH doesnt have 3rd spec

then a tier set would have been released for it, along with the spec to test both

Just because evoker doesn’t get 3 rd spec this patch, it doesn’t mean we cant remind the devs that DH deserves one just in case if they do have something for evokers in any future.


They need to take momentum and turn it into a ranged spec. All the movement damaging stuff plus ranged casts or like a crossbow. Take the damage off havocs fel rush, and buff their single target abilities. Boom, third spec. It’s not that hard.

Ngl a third dh spec would be sick. Maybe like a ranged dps or something that uses bows or something… The dev team seems to have a lot on their plate atm, but it’s definitely a fun idea to think about

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So since we are the ugly step child that only deserves two specs. Instead of another dps spec maybe a second tank spec? One that focuses more on melee midigation instead of magic midigation. Would at least be something new. Evokers will have a third spec before the xpac is over.

ya no lol. imagine another tank spec when veng is what it is.

I don’t think tacking a third spec, DPS or Tank, onto DH at this stage would make sense from a narrative/thematic standpoint or fix any of the class’s problems. If anything it would just make things worse since that’s yet another spec to balance the class around when VDH has glaring design issues as it stands that have yet to see reworks or fixes.

I doubt all of the classes will be perfectly balanced at this point but at least we could enjoy 3rd ranged dh spec and do, pew, pew

We don’t even have 1 optimal spec, why add another? It’s clear we aren’t getting any meaningful changes anytime soon. The best we can hope for is 10.1.5 or 10.1.7.

Because they cant even get the first 2 available specs right.