Why destroy character sorting?

Continuing the discussion from 20th Anniversary Update PTR Development Notes:

Why? Did people actually ask for this? Should be an option. I don’t want new characters at the top of the list. I spent a good deal of time sorting my characters by faction and level already. Low level characters belong at the bottom of the list.

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Does this place a new character directly under the scene if you have existing characters already? If it does, I can see it being annoying for sure. Maybe add a prompt or check box near the “Create character” button that states “Place character within Campfire if there is room or directly under the scene in the list if there is not room” To allow player choice.

If I do not click that checkbox, the character is added to the bottom of my pre-existing list. If I do click that checkbox, then the new character is either added to the scene or to the bottom of my list. In either case, if a Player only has 1-3 character(s) it should appear in the scene regardless of selection as that would have been the bottom of their list.

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Time well spent…

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