Why current GDKP is bad in Era

How long before you see GDKP pop up on fresh servers?

Its not the best looting system for pugging. Its the best looting system for a mature server (in its original version, not the current one).

Ill never have an RMTer meltdown. I do not buy gold.

You could reset all gold, ban all botters, buyers, sellers and enforce rmt bans 24/7 starting tomorrow and GDKP would still hands down be the best looting system for pugging, especially in content as easy as vanilla.

Freah vanilla servers will have GDKPs week 1 of Molten Core.

I cant wait to see how much is spent on them.

If there was no RMT, GDKP and Global DKP would be the exact same thing. There is RMT, so Blizzard should just implement an official DKP system. They didn’t do it in wrath, they added WoW token so that they could assist with the RMT in GDKPs. This is because Blizzard is a full parasite-company at this point, and the devs are involved in RMT themselves, most likely.



Guilds =/= Guild Carries

PLENTY of Guilds that do NOT do “Guild Carries”.

For ME, my issues with “PvP” are non-RMT related. Just a bonus, that it’s there, too. Wouldn’t bother me one bit if PvP ceased to exist, but IK I’m in the Minority, on that one :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

GDKPs were happening in late classic vanilla in the classic series. You can parrot whatever Alexensual conspiracy theory you want though lmao.

Getting closer to that RMTer meltdown. Why shouldn’t Blizzard just implement a global/official DKP loot system to stop people for swiping for epics?


Because they would be force to play the game.

I mean if it works just like a GDKP then why not? Should just get rid of gold aa a currency then if youre gonna do it over RMT. People are actually affected by RMT in PvP

GDKPers do play the game. I actually play the game more than you do most likely. Unless you play it everyday and raid each tier every week. In my case that being Wrath

If it’s not gold, it’ll be whatever the currency is for RMT, don’t be silly.

I dont play wrath. But Im online every day at least 4/5+ hours on Era. Just got a hunter to lv60 and have raided MC/ZG. Today I will go to AQ40 (im not geared enough but the guild need bodies and I’m getting DKP for attending). I’m also leveling a warrior currently lv45.

Once they tell us what the hell is the new pvp system. I will work on my pvp stuff.

Im assuming youd only get DKP from raiding since its the looting system for raids. You dont need an auction for professions, you can just trade goods for goods and pvp could have its own currently like arena points for example.

Plenty (as in majority) of GDKPers do not buy gold.

I have 5 max level toons that I raid each tier every week on, 2 with guilds 3 with GDKPs. I do not pvp but I dungeon everyday. Probably about the same 4-5 hours but sometimes especially on days off where Im not golfing or doing anything in particular I will play for 8-10

On days I can work from home (which usually are 2 or 3 days a week) Im online all day. lol

I play this game too much. Last AV weekend (Friday 12+hours, Sat 12 hours, Sun like 5). lol

You need gold for Training. This includes Class Training and Mount Training.

IK that (well, NOT “the majority” part).

We’re talking about GUILDS, here (at least, in THIS part of the conversation) that aren’t ALWAYS about Raiding!

Kind of a silly talking point to equate AH Raiding to Guilds. It’s NOT the same thing!

Those could just be free, have a quest where the reward is learning the spells and riding.

Guilds sell carries for 300k. If we’re only focusing on RMT as the negatives of something then there it is. Guilds are guilty as charged.

Sure. You (also) need Gold to train for professions (outside the books & quests for certain parts of it).

Just “do quests” for EVERY single ability?

I like the Darnassus Mounts. As a non-Nelf, how would you work that? Just “free” upon hitting Exalted?

Not ALL of them do, though?

A Guilds purpose is NOT ALWAYS Raiding! There’s such a thing as RP Guilds. Or even Casual Guilds. We’re talking about a PRACTICE via AH Raiding. NOT Guilds. Guilds are NOT a “practice”.

No, not ALL Guilds.

Guilds, themselves, ONLY require 10g to create. If somebody needs to RMT that, God help them. Otherwise, Guilds themselves don’t really have a mandatory gold requirement (outside the 10g. I think there’s the tabard which is NOT required even then! JUST the 10g) the way AH Raiding does.

Notice how I don’t disagree with your AH example.

I’m sorry. I misspoke. It’s 10s and NOT 10g, to purchase a charter. If people need to RMT that…IDK how to “fix” that…

EDIT: It’s the TABARD that’s 10g. I mixed it up, my bad but still.

Guilds don’t need a Tabard, JUST the charter, as ALL Guilds (in order to exist) MUST pay the 10s (the GMs, anyway)!