Why Covenants should be difficult to swap

Just make the cosmetic parts and in-game changing parts of the covenant. Give them a unique world ability to boot. These are areas where choosing a covenant for RPing ot aesthetics matters more and has meaning.

Make all the raid and PVP choices the same across all covenants. These are areas where having flexibility in choices matters and has most meaning to players. If others want to pick RP choices that fit thematically to their character in LFR have fun. No one is stopping you so stop trying to stop the rest of us

Not hard Blizzard.

Honestly, I feel it’s less about the min/maxing thing. More that they have commitment issues.


counter counter argument. you can only swap your equip gear once per week. i’m sure all the people clamoring for agency will LOVE having so many restrictions on how they player their toon.

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You do know how successful Fortnite is right?

I’d be cool with that. This would add real meaningful choices to WoW. This idea could be the foundation to an amazing idea that might need a thread of its own.

Then go play it. This isn’t Fortnite. This is an mmoRPG.

Being a successful thing, doesn’t mean it fits every genre. Dark Souls was also very successful. Do you think WoW would be more successful if it took a more punishing route?

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I never said that it did. Idk why you guys keep bringing up successful games.

Covenants aren’t meaningful.

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It’s about to, so we’ll find out!

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Bold the MMO too

Because of this. You are acting as if because one game having a type of mechanic being successful means it would fit in every genre.

can’t help but laugh at this. fortnite is a pretty good example of what to do RIGHT. free game. tens of millions of players. i’d take that model in a heart beat if it could work here.

you see, that is what wow was for the majority of its life. when we had peak subs, thats what the game was. you could log on. do your raid or do your 10 games and that was sufficient for the week. it was amazing. now I have to punch a time card and help save some turtles before I can go do the things I actually want to do.


That “mechanic” was successful in wow before.

Once again, you two played yourselves.

WoW success, has always largely been contributed to how casual it was. From it’s very creation. It was made to be more casual then its competitors. Although, maybe what people enjoy has changed. I think however a drastic shift would push out the original supporters of the game.

What are you even on about. Half the time I think you just pull out random words and hope they mean something.

What you’re really saying is you lack the self control to stick with an option you choose.

And then 10.0 rolls around and you’re a plain old Paladin again. I don’t get why people are acting like these changes will last beyond Shadowlands. They’re rented power with a fancy dressing.

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I’m just doing what you always do. You spend so much time spewing bull**** you can’t even keep up in a basic discussion.

Ah ok, so you are just trolling. Thanks for confirming. I know I can just not pay attention to you anymore.

I would appreciate not having motivations shoved into my mouth, thanks.

Although I am currently a casual player, I used to raid lead for Mythic raids (back when they were called heroic). I don’t have any anger toward people who like to max out their characters, (although telling other people my motivations are hatred are making me dislike you personally).

I simply want more options to ‘build’ a character, rather than ‘choosing’ a character like it’s a loadout, betraying the covenant we supposedly championed whenever it’s inconvenient.