I’m doing the shadowlands revendrath campaign for the mog and i just choose revendrath as my 1st covenant. As i played swarming mist i groaned in agony “why didn’t they make blood dks more vampirey?” The hero talent san’layn isn’t that vampirey, not compared to the revendrath spells, etc. Also, i thought there was a data mine of a new race that looked like vampires? i sure do hope so that’s horde only since the alliance have werewolves (worgens) and irl lore they are mortal enemies. That would be SO COOL! Please make this happen blizz devs . Please?..
thank you.
we are already like that. san’lyn is the inferior spec to deathbringer btw
We’re fine as we are, except our eyes should glow red.
Nah, i don’t think so! i think we could be more bloodier! And you can get the glow in the barber shop, no?
Nope no color option for eyes
I agree. Death Knights should catch fire in the sun, be prevented from crossing flowing bodies of water, and be forced to count dropped seeds.
I dont wanna bite people
That looks so good!
I would still want it to be a choice though. Not spec specific. Plus more options would be nice. Like just some blank, white eyes like in wc3.
San’layn/venthyr are different things from Death Knights, I’m glad they are (currently) not forcing us to be vampires. To me the DK fantasy is distinct enough from the vampire fantasy that the former appeals and the latter does not.
Yeah as of now the red eye glow is reserved for the Dark Ranger racial skin for elf hunters, it wouldn’t surprise me if they eventually opened up the options for a lot of them though
a healing spell where dks bite people in the neck (and does dmg) is such a great idea! Nice.
I can see it now for 14.0
World of Warcraft: The Vampire Diaries