Why couldn't it have been Wildstar

RIP god amongst mmos

You were the perfect game delivered at the wrong time.

If only you had came out 2 years later, or WoW started dying 2 years sooner.

Wildstar is the game the deserved to benefit from WoWs demise, not FF14

Pours one out for best mmo they have ever played


Ehhh I don’t know about all that


And apparently i never will if your post is any indicator.



Wildstar was trash. The only thing it had that was good was a Pixar-style artstyle and a different setting. The dungeons were trash, the raids were meh (imagine putting 40-mans into a modern MMO), the questing was trash, the game was buggy, the PvP was terrible, the itemization was unfinished, I honestly could go on probably for a half-hour just talking about how bad Wildstar was. Which is such a shame because it had such a good premise, but their team working on the game just utterly failed to deliver a solid MMO.


Wildstar was a raiding centric MMO that should tell you a ton about Wow current exodus and decline.


If you opened your mind, you would understand Wildstar could literally be anything you wanted with enough creativity.


I wanted it to be a good game.



Personally, I hope swtor gets some love too.


What happened to it? I never it past level 10 due to the sunk cost fallacy I have with WoW.

Wildstar was fun. Hardly perfect though. Questing was grindy and repetitive. The option to choose to get more exp out of combat, exploration or crafting was cool.


wildstar was’nt the best mmo… but it was damn good. gameplay felt like WoW fully-realized, aside from the lack of content and the fact it could’ve been optimized better.

seriously. it had stuff i still wish WoW had (player housing, customizable mounts, tintable armor, face-sliders, body-types, dodging/rolling, everyone being able to double-jump, player-chosen extra-content, etc). shame it died… i really enjoyed it.


I disagree. The game needed more dev time to buff the rough edges out. The only thing they did wrong was release it too early. It would of been better with another year or so in the oven and far away from WoW’s current patch release.

Not digging at you but this is exactly why the game died off. So many people were still too obsessed with WoW to even try another mmorpg seriously. The game eventually went F2P and shut down.


What expansion was WoW on when Wildstar came?

How anyone could think a dungeon where you slowly get space madness and fight a vending machine is trash, is beyond me.

Or an entire quest hub on the dark side of the moon, where visibility is limited to just a flashlight toggle.

Or the fact that every single item modeled was done in a way that it could be given to players via the housing system allowing players to literally recreate anything from the game inside their housing plot.

God tier mmo


I think it was during MoP.

Then they really should of just waited to release it by 7 years.

btw, if you needed proof of how good the game was, i reccomend going on youtube and watching their devspeak videos, they’re pretty good at showing it off.

It wouldn’t of taken 7 years to fix the problems the game had. It just needed to ditch the 40 man raids, ease up on attunements, and fine tune the telegraphs in pvp and it would of done fine.

It’s hard to find a good window to release when you have the Blizzard mothership actively hovering over you waiting to drop an orbital bombardment on their competitors, and Blizz has a long standing history of doing this.



Blizz nuked Warhammer AoR with WotLK.

W:AoR still has things I wish WoW would adapt ( friendly and hostile targets…a viable melee healer…player collision in PvP so tanks can actually body block and tank).


Never even tried other MMOs after WoW.

I just love the Samwise style of artwork that World of Warcraft holds. This will pretty much be the only game I play till it’s or my bitter end.

He was out signing at my friends comic shop. I wish I would have had a chance to meet him, but I was in the middle of a trip. I’ve loved his stuff since Humans vs Orcs.