Why Coffer Key Shards

As a pvp player is there somthing I need out of Delves? If that answer is no why are the WPVP rewards giving Coffer Key Shards? There are enough PVE Dailies out there can we keep PVP quests to PVP rewards. Give us more honor, or anything else PVP based. Give the Coffer keys out on the PVE side of things.


No, but they are pretty fun.

The shards are rewards from outdoor world activities.
Delves are considered world activities.
World PvP is also a world activity.

Delete them if you don’t want to keep them.



Because this is World of Currencycraft.

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What would you rather the reward be? 500 bloody tokens that you get 1k from for the sparks quest? I have alts of alts that are capped on bloody tokens before the sparks quest is even done because of the 550 cap increase each week. If you are doing catchup on a new toon with 0/Cap then I somewhat understand the frustration of giving that currency over one that could help you in that immediate instance, but there’s not much to gain from world quests at this point, especially PVP WQs.

People play both PVE and PVP so mix and match rewards isn’t a big deal.

I’ve been saying the same thing bud! If War Mode is for the PvP players then reward us with PvP goods. I’d much rather prefer 100 honor, or even a WPvP consumable!!

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Instead of removing the coffer keys (don’t care, never do delves) why not just add a bit of pvp currency too? Add a bit of bloody tokens maybe. Or honor.

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PvP quests should yield PvP related rewards. People who play a mix should do just that go play a mix. Get your PvE rewards from PvE quests. I dont see PvP rewards dropping from nonworld PvP quests. People who prefer to focus their efforts should have those efforts rewarded in the content they choose to engage with in the way they choose to play.

  1. This was a couple months ago where there was still a cap on Bloody Tokens so it’s a tad different now than it was

  2. These are not “PVP quests”, they are “WORLD quests” that are in PVP free-for-all zones, where you CAN get progress by doing PVP but you do not have to. A PVP quest is “kill x members of the opposite faction” or “earn 1500 honor from random battlegrounds”.

If you are doing world content quests you are doing PVE, regardless of what your motive is. If you can do a quest without doing a single bit of PVP, it’s not a PVP quest and thus should not yield PVP rewards.

You forgot to mention the Sparks of War: [ZONE NAME] quest. The one where you CAN get sparks from either pve or pvp but it rewards pvp currency and rep because it’s WPvP. The WPvP quests dont appear for people not in WM, people who arent interested in PvP and the rewards that it has.
All people are asking for is more insentives to go out of BG lobbys and meet organically again.

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Disable PvP and complete the quest…you cant because it wont show up because it is in fact a PVP quest. I don’t even mind when they reward gold because at least it is a currency I will use as a PvP only player but it is nonsensical to try and justify this absurd currency we will never use.

They’re trying to entice pve players and people that wouldn’t normally pvp, to try it… You know, because it’s not exactly doing great.

IDK if this is much of an incentive, but there you go.

Aka it’s not hurting you, so why care?

Even honor would be better, at least then you could buy vicious bloodstones to sell.


World pvp quests should give honor out like they used to. Coffer key shards are not pvp related.

Doesnt take a genuis to see why these quests arent worth our time.


I agree with the PVP rewards for PVP WQ’s, I haven’t set foot in a delve above 4 since i was levelling(personal preference of course YMMV). When I log in each day to do some WQ’s I look for the PVP ones and ignore everything else. Even if the reward was 25 conquest or something for eleventy billyun moles or players, It would be 1000x more rewarding than 25 frosteel tubes/coffer key shards or a crummy ilvl 571 pve trinket I’m going to immediately vendor. The WPVP quest rewards are like an afterthought.

EDIT: what would be so wrong offering a rare PVP trinket/ring/neck scaled to ilvl 626? or a chance at a Bloodstone or make bloodstone shards 5x = 1 full stone. Or metric craptons of honor ora chance at an Algari Competitor recipe etc., blah blah blah. So many ways to make PVP WQ’s more rewarding than crappy crap no one wants.


I think if you see the crossed swords icon, It’s intended to be a PVP WQ. The rewards should be commensurate with the challenge and in the same vein of PVP. It always feels like a bait and switch and as a matter of fact, the rewards from these quests in DF were clearly bait and switch. I remember feeling quite WTF moments, a PVP quest on my hunter for instance would yeild a PVP armor item. Log into my priest to do the same quest and it would be some other reward entirely. Hovering over the quest it would look like a PVP reward but when you went and did the Q it yielded something completely unexpected from what was shown on the mouse over. DF drove me nuts that way.

Agree, it’s not hurting me, doesn’t make it any less annoying though. Especially considering I’m flying between all of these zones looking to do PVP quests while I’m stuck for 1/2 an hour and frequently more for an RBG blitz queue.

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they are a waste of time. but i agree. sadly, there is no pvp vault at this time recently.

Doewn’t even have to be a vault item for it to be rewarding. Bloodstone shards, algari competitor recipes etc., would be far and away bettter than a pve reward on a pvp wq

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