Why cant you buy legendary's with bullions if their meant to be bad luck protection

if bullions are meant to be back luck protection then why cant i buy my legendary quest with them so i can stop killing sarc on heroic speaking of which i wont be able to do next week because i dont think there is a way to turn off awakened raids


This is why legendaries should just be removed from the game. Players shouldn’t think they are entitled to a legendary.


Agreed. In modern WoW they cause way more trouble than they are worth, both in balancing and everyone demanding that they have one.

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Thing is, for the math here you probably won’t be getting that many Bullion ever?

The BLP says it’s almost a guarantee after your 15th heroic clear (for the axe). How many Bullion do you value that as? Above 20? Is the pre-patch even five months long?

It’s true back in the day if you (and by extension your guild) were so lucky to get a legendary, that was pretty cool. Although everyone hoped for it, nobody really expected it. At least not in any of the circles I ran in…

The entire prevelant attitude of completionism in some people to the extreme of including rare, lotto drops on their checklist is a bit strange to me.

However, with that said, I think more people overall were happy with the mop cloak and wod ring type legendary systems. People complained about those too, you can’t please everyone of course, but I think im general it was more fun and inclusive to do legendaries that way.

Shadowlands on the other hand… :woman_facepalming:


Yeah, I think that is a big part of the problem. There has been a huge shift in mindset from community/team to individualism.

Your assessment is spot on, nowadays everyone needs to be given legendaries in order to make most players happy because everyone primarily focuses on their own progression…trying to make the old ways work in modern WoW is a mistake.

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WoD was the best legendary system we had, imo. It’s been downhill since.


I had to kill H Fyrakk 15 times. Others must share in my suffering.