Why can't we tame Gromit?

Why can’t we tame Gromit? They are the coolest beasts in game.


Wallace would be very displeased


Can’t tame the Razorwings either. It’s like they hate hunters. The only tameable things on Korthia are the Shardhides.

because its a being of shadowlands and beings of shadowlands cannot exist in the living world

Kangaroo Lizards are wise to your hoofy ways

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One does not tame a gromit, the gromit tames you.

But only if you are worthy! And maybe not even then. :face_with_monocle:

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the MOMENT i popped into korthia and some floating guy was talking about whatever, I spied one of these little dudes and had to run over for a better look

i can just imagine what that guy was preaching about “… and there goes the Maw Walker…” Venari: “Yea, he does that…” then they watch me follow around a critter for a couple minutes. Great!


Because Wallace already tamed him!


Why can’t we tame gnomes?

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Pity. But I am gathering any battle pet of them I find.

They’re so cute!

I love the idea of Ve’nari being like a parent that understands their child has adhd.

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They didnt want to rename feathermanes to feathermanes/leathermanes


They’re the cutest creatures I’ve seen in a long time, They’re beasts, and they’re untameable…why?

I just want a cute kangaroo lizard for my friend! :sob:

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Im thinking a book may drop. Because we can tame the Maw dogs and even rats. That we cant tame these beasts seems to me that there is s secret to find. Or its a bug. Or they do hate us.

I named mine after a disappointment

Cracking joke Wisebelly :laughing: