There’s hardly anyone doing them after a certain point, and if you use the group finder to do a M0 you just pick the first available people just like a queue anyway.
It would be nice to have queueable dungeon content that still requires the whole group to participate, rather than just one person solo speedrunning through a Heroic after a certain point in the season.
Why not let us queue for M0 after a certain point in the season?
Yeah i dont really see much of a point to not allow it.
I dont even know why it even still has a lockout, the gear will at best be decent for Normal Raiding and early M+, but will quickly get replaced by M+ gear and H raiding.
So no real reason to lock the gear daily.
Even more that we have Delves too as well, which also give better gear at higher tiers, which arent even that hard.
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At a certain point in the season most people could just skip right to low keys and not even bother doing M0.
It would be nice to have as an option for those of us that enjoy queueable dungeon content when Heroic stops being relevant.
Well, enjoy the daily lock outs because it’s going back to weekly next patch.
are you…is this an out of season april fools joke.
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Likely it forms the first ‘hard-dungeon content’ that doesn’t require a timer so it gives that ‘group-forming’ ability without the pressure.
Definitely for you and me maybe it’s easy enough for it to be queue’d but I think it staying as it is a good learning point.
well as of next patch. BLIZZARD EXTREMELY DISAGREES. mythic 0s have prestige according to them.
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M0 will be more popular next season because it’ll drop champion gear.
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If I had to guess probably because daily lockouts would’ve been easy to get Champion gear.
Currently it gives Vet but it’s getting buffed in S2.
The answer to this was proven in cata but im gonna elaborate.
A lot of people are really bad at wow… up to and including mythic raiders.
The issue is they almost never realize it and get hyper defensive when their flawed ways of thinking are pointed out… there is a guild I pugged in for fun. My guild stopped raiding, I have a course coming up in march im not going to be able to prog mythic. So i figured I would just pop in.
This guild has pulled princess over 400 times, and even with the nerfs, skipping phase 3 and having the cheat ring they have dps falling over from healers not healing queensbane while 4 healing…
The heal core believes they are playing at a CE level and violently browbeat dps for rotting out outside of eclipse phases.
The sad fact of the matter is. WoW tells you so little information that I doubt people outside of top world 100 truely understand what goes on in any given fight.
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Maybe at the start of the season, but I have a pretty strong feeling it will be just like this season and most people will just opt to do lower keys instead after a certain point.
The cut off has to be somewhere.