Why cant we leave valor system alone?

Not when I can’t stomach getting into pvp because once you hit 1500 you’re running into glad carries. Or when you can’t get into a +8 because every spike in the world is applying.

If you’re friends you’ll be able to play together, but the incentive for Spike should be super minimal or if anything non existent.

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No, it isn’t. Because you aren’t choosing. It’s physics. Electricity does t choose to follow the path of least resistance, it just does.

If Spike wants to help his friend out of the goodness of his heart that’s one thing, but it’s another to systematically encourage smurfing for power gains. Spike can choose to play low keys for no reward… but he won’t, because he chases rewards. Same reason he never played valor keys until valor was uncapped.


Nah it actually sucks and isn’t fun. You get funneled into hunting a specific item in +2 keys and then need at minimum of 3,000 to max out a ring or a maximum of 12,000 to max out a 2-h agi/str wep. All the while, players who normally can’t play dungeons very well are being essentially boosted and being funneled gear for no effort, and they eventually end up in 14-17 bracket and cause everyone incredible pain.

If you just have those 2 slots to worry about, you’d be looking at 75 bonus valor runs to max those slots.

If that doesn’t make you see how much valor absolutely sucks, idk what to tell you. Even if you can average 8 minutes per run between forming the group, doing the dungeon, and going next, that would be 10 hours of mind numbing grinding just to get 2 slots of gear to max.

Could you imagine how crazy it would be if conquest farming in arenas worked like valor farming currently does :rofl:

I mean glad players already are mincing apart people they shouldn’t be allowed to play as it is. So, no thanks I won’t imagine it.

To be fair who is left in pvp but glads, their alts, and boosties? It wasn’t fun for regular players for so long, it could be now but they quit and they aren’t coming back.

Also, some people have 20 years of experience on a class or all classes. There is no room for new players to learn and enjoy learning unless they want to take a literal course on it (check out skill cap, rating inflation guaranteed)

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There’s two main reasons. The first is that you’re looking at the system purely from a M+ perspective, however Blizzard wants to expand the items upgrade system so that the endgame source that gear comes from is less important. For the past few expansions, raiding has suffered from having a higher barrier to entry than dungeons while offering rewards that in most cases were not as valuable as those from dungeons of similar difficulty due to the scaling potential that valor brought to dungeon gear. This change aims to bridge that gap somewhat so that all gear has that upgrade potential regardless of where it came from.

The second is that Blizzard wants to promote people running difficult content in order to get powerful gear rather than chain running content which is frankly beneath them. So the new system puts a limit on how high you can climb without running content which will actually test you.

Yeah probably no one.

Yeah because of this. It’s crazy anyone thinks M+ is such a learning curve when you aren’t forced into doing a +20 randomly like you are in pvp.

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All I want is decent catchup systems that come a patch later.

And it’d be nice if somehow the previous raids were still runnable. Like if people actually queued for them for a reason. I don’t care if they completely obliterate the raid by out gearing it. Just put them in there for some reason so I can experience it later.

- A player who’s real life commitments inhibit them them from playing weekly.

(Nothing against players who can, it’d just be nice to experience the content as well.)

Imagine putting in a 10 keystone and it’s a WILDCARD key! The keystone instantly becomes anywhere between a 2 and a 20 :joy: and then every keystone is that unless it’s a 2 (700 mmr)

Then you actually time it and your score doesn’t go up.

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Lol people would lose it, that’s pvp in a nutshell though. Their match making system is horrifically bad.

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Except you are. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is stopping players from inviting appropriately skilled or geared players if they so choose.

You as a group creator have all the power. If you hate boosters, you have the power to never invite them. If you want the best of the best players, you have the power to only invite them. If you wanna do one tank and four healers for the memes, you have the power to do that.

Except it’s not. It’s world of warcraft.

Easy fixed. Cap valor! People won’t high gear still do their 8 in the highest keys they can for the vault and only farm lower keys once that’s done.

Cap weekly valor at 12 keys max. So even if do 20 keys you only get valor for the first 12 keys.

Well if we’re doing everything in the name of vaguely defined “joy” then why don’t we just have Normal dungeons drop Mythic end raid gear? After all, nothing brings more joy than getting BiS gear and that would ensure that every single player gets that gear as quickly as possible!

The reason is because a lot more goes into a game’s quality than giving rewards to the players. Every single game that I am aware of from the dawn of time to the modern day only offers its most powerful items for conquering its most difficult challenges. No one has ever questioned the wisdom that strong gear comes from hard content before until WoW for some reason and I have no idea what makes it the exception.

And while we’re at it, can we stop saying “fun detected, fun nerfed” every time Blizzard patches an obvious exploit?

That was an autocorrect, meant to type not, it’s fixed now.


This dumb argument is cringe, stop repeating yourself. I’m out of here if you’re just going to double-down and repeat yourself when your argument is debunked.

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Fair enough. Regardless, the point of my post remains the same. You should not be able to get BiS gear (or anything close to it) by chain running trivial content. If you want to run trivial content in order to help out your buddy then that’s fine, but your buddy should be the reason you’re doing content that low, not the gear.

If you instead want to incentivize powerful players into running low-end content in order to help boost weaker players… I can’t agree to that. Powerful players are under no obligation to assist low level strangers on their gearing journey. Ideally, I would have players grouping with other players of similar skill level to their own whenever possible. If they start running into walls then that’s probably a sign that they’re running up against the limits of what players of their skill level can accomplish, in which case the solution is to become good enough that they can overcome that barrier.

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The current valor system doesn’t really work great. They cap it at the beginning which is dumb and it only goes to 6 item levels lower than the lottery item level which is also dumb.

Honestly they just need to separate m+ and raid gear like PvP gear and give us proper progression

The current systems allow people to gear alts really quickly since you can even invite pugs who use the same here as your alt and ask if they can give you their loot of they don’t need it. Done this a few times and my alt is pretty gear now with carries and I might even make it my main in S2 if I am still playing. Without the easy carry I would have just quit the game if I want to swap mains because not only is alts are low in gear now when new patch hits it will even be lower ilvl so there no chance or take a long time to catch up.

Easy arrows benefit a lot of people heck you can even carry your friends or guild with the new change there is no benefit to running friends or guild low level m+ coz you don’t get anything out if it father spitting the WoW community

You used to be able to. It was great.