Why cant we leave valor system alone?

The system works great, I dont feel it needs an overhaul.

It’s a success in my eyes. It promotes higher ilvl characters to go help people doing low keys. That’s a net benefit win for everyone.
With the new system coming, there will be no reason to ever set foot in a low key again.

I know there is the argument that you shouldn’t be able to completely upgrade all your gear by just spamming low keys for valor.
I think the mythic plus rating for upgrades is a good enough gate so you have to be running higher keys.
I know you can get carried and do all the dungeons once to unlock the rating, but i feel those are in the minority, and overall the system benefits the majority of the player base. Newcomers and vets alike.

That is all, thank you.


They didn’t like that players could farm +2 M+ Keys to finish out their gear.

They want players to have to do the hardest content to get the best stuff and upgrades.

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Fun detected, fun nerfed.


People got upset that they can’t upgrade their gear (except for the gear they can upgrade) from doing the easiest content in the game (world quests), so the whole thing gets revamped because of them

The old system only benefitted M+ players. The new system benefits raiders and solo players now as well.


I suspect the complaints from the people who actually wanted to do these low keys, but blamed the 410+ valor farmers for them not getting invited were partially why the change was made


So they should have just made raid gear upgradable with valor, and added valor to the raid boss drops.


Feel however you please, the overhaul was needed and is coming.

God forbid Andies actually get to play the game by joining groups of their own gear and skill level and not just rely on listing their own key for a carry.

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Nothing is stopping them from listing a group and inviting player who they deem appropriate.

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Ion is an elitist raider, he wants to reward good players. The rest of us aren’t important.

You can get up to 400 item level with 4 piece without ever stepping foot an instance.

That’s more than generous, no?

They shouldn’t need to do that. What do you not understand?

Not everyone wants to jump through the hoops of forming a group. Additionally, people can feel in the mood to play different keys and not feel restricted to whatever dungeon their key is.

Bro, the game revolving around valor carries is bad. The little I responded was already overkill and more effort than is justified. Valor carries are degenerate and that’s pretty much the end of story. You lose, do not pass go, do not collect 200$. Christ almighty sometimes.


It’s bringing M+ rewards and raid rewards more in line together. It also seemed weird a player could farm the easiest content of a +2 for a mythic Ilvl piece of loot. That feels bad. Really bad.

Overall it’s a positive change I’m sure they’ll iterate on some. I think they have some work to do on what Ilvl belongs to what “loot tier” still and raid up to heroic still needs to be spammable for gear.

What hoops?

Seriously, explain to me. How is clicking accept on 4 people any different than clicking on 4 groups (usually many more) to join in the group finder?

How does the game revolve around valor carries if you choose to not to interact with them?

Making your own group literally lets you delete the so called problem.

This is the only valid point you’ve made. It’d be dope if you could reroll your key.


You’re talking about the old system. We are talking about the new system.

Taking into consideration various factors like class, IO, server, ilvl, if you are group lead you feel more responsible for the success or failure of the group and that’s too much to ask of some people. Not everyone is a leader.

Tommy can’t force Andy to invite him. Andy shouldn’t have the choice between 1500 Tommy and 2800 Spike - Spike should be playing harder content. Andy should be playing with Tommy.

Tommy should queue for Andy’s key and Andy should have no better option thsn to invite Tommy.


The only thing that kinda matters in lower keys is item level. Literally any combination of specs can do even moderately high keys.

What leading are you doing in low keys? Even in higher keys. It’s just going in and doing the dungeon just like heroics or m0 or whatever.

Love this. Similarly related to my problem with pvp. Andy and Tommy should be in an arena together and never have a chance to invite Gladiator Spike. Just like Andy and Tommy should never have to play against Spike either.


That’s fine and dandy but a core part of playing this game is doing so with friends.

Should Tommy and Spike never be allowed to play together just because Spike has gone further?

Creating your own group gives players the opportunities to set their own boundaries. If they want to be a champion of the masses and only invite appropriately geared and skilled players, that’s their prerogative, just like it’s another player’s prerogative to invite only pumpers if they want, and another player’s prerogative to invite whoever they choose.

Being able to choose is good.

yeah i agree… i think the valor system works perfectly fine.

was it unfair to raiders who couldn’t upgrade their gear? yes.

but the way to fix that is just add valor to raids…boom, problem solved.

now we have this HUGE convulated and obnoxious system that no one wanted.

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