I am not entirely sure if I have just been clueless or not, but when exactly were we unable to hear anyone else’s emote sounds unless we are in a party? Was it done in the last patch? (I did noticed I couldn’t hear someone /flirting, or /laugh occasionally, I just figured my sound was acting funny.)
This is ridiculous, what’s the point of them if we can’t hear it? I like hearing others /laugh /joke and /flirt without having to be in a party. Blizzard you should reconsider putting them back in the game (I am taken to believe it has to do with spam, but er, this isn’t stopping people from doing /joke twenty times in a row, it’s just without sounds, so this would be useless.).
I noticed this too, and it’s been driving me nuts because once upon a time I could have sworn there was an option to enable or disable other people’s emotes but now for the life of me i can’t find it.
Meh more cool features removed by Blizzard for no good reason.
I’m not even surprised anymore.
You can, just invite them to a party and tell them to make emotes, or do your own emotes.
I would still agrue for an option to turn on or off other emotes to their preferences, incase if you only just want to hear your own emotes or not. (And i know an option already exists like this but i’m talking about either hear your and other people’s emotes, your and other party only, or just you alone. you know, fleshing out the option a bit more. )
Wait, how is this a cool feature exactly to hear emotes outside of a party? 
Joining a party to hear each other emotes make sense to me cause outside of the party, i only hear certain emotes like /lol, /cry, /chicken, etc, which i always thought Blizzard tried to make emote sounds only available in a party but got only halfway done. Not that it matters to me anyways cause i been playing with sounds off but when i do turn them back on to take into the ambiance and other sounds, i rather not be bombarded with emote noises without my contest of joining their party. And i still stand by on what i said in the second paragraph that the option needs to be expanded upon.
Not the same thing, I really don’t mind people doing the emotes (Keep in mind I am on a RP server, so it adds to the immersion for me, which I guess is useless if you are on a pvp or pve). It would be good if they just allowed it to be an option, so there are choices in the middle for those who do want to hear it, and those who don’t. (People seem far more offended by the /spit and /rude emotes anyways, neither making sounds, and /fart gets spammed constantly, yet those ones were not touched. Doesn’t make sense, who exactly was it that complained about the normal ones…)
I agree with Free though. Fun got detected, it got removed.
So there is an option to enable / disable emote sounds in system / sound (just above the music check box) but that doesnt do anything with people who aren’t in your party. I too am on an RP server so it adds to my immersion which is completely ruined. I’ve noticed the missing emote sounds for a long time now and I figured I’d investigate into what happened.
In my opinion the enable / disable button for emote sounds should affect people outside your party / raid. That would be very nice.
Still bugged. Can we get a blue response to this issue?
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Simple answer…FUN DETECTED
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I noticed this a while back. I noticed that my own emotes are a lot quiter also. Thought it was stupid also.
I always thought it was one of WoW’s defining social features. Being able to actually HEAR people emote in-game was revolutionary. Now they took a step back and everyone is mute. So sad.
Still cant hear emotes, RIP RP servers such sadge.