And I don’t mean dresses and I don’t mean decades old “almost” pink and I definitely don’t mean purple. I want pink leather and mail and plate - ESPECIALLY plate. Geez.
Oof. My paladin sometimes wears decades old “almost” pink. My evoker wears a dress, and it’s not even pink because I don’t have one yet. However, while I fully support the pinkification of our armor options, I’m not sure there is enough of a demand for it.
Then again, when the sweetheart transmogs came out, everyone was wearing those, so maybe?
Agreed, not enough pink for every gear type and weapons.
There is very little.
I appreciate the trading post pink, but I want to be a battle girl in pink too .
Pink is for everyone!
This is the reason I wish for dye system so I can have all my characters be pretty in pink with different outfits.
EQ got it right 20 years ago with armor dyes. I know it’d mess with a lot of the current transmogs and sets and whatnot, but being able to unlock color schemes for mogs would be a blessing — from an aesthetic point of view, less so from a collector point of view.
I believe the armor dye system can work with trading post items and some other mogs that are just solid color it doesn’t have to be all transmog.
So long as it’s a tasteful pink, like salmon or rose-gold. Hot pink is STINK!