Why cant Rogues use both Blood Moon daggers?

Shame on you Blizzard for ruining fun. How do you justify letting two-hand classes have an epic weapon from the event but discriminate against dual-wield classes and builds. I hate that rogues are continuously getting shafted on gear and loot options, in SOD. Stop pandering to people that played unviable classes that you designed in era and make it fair for warriors and rogues. You are punishing classes and players for Blizzards decisions over the years and it feels really bad. Stop nerfing fun Blizzard and make the game playable, enjoyable, and fun for everybody.


Rogue is currently above every 2H dps class

Except Hunter but I don’t know if their melee build is 2H or DW :person_shrugging:

I just want to have double epic daggers… just make them weaker then…

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Already addressed, opie.

There’s an epic dagger in Gnomeregan

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yes i know, but if you pvp and earn a weapon you should be able to equip it… if the weapons aren’t meant to be that good then why cant we use both? what is the logic here…

“the weapons and accessories are roughly on-par with level 40 blue items and are in most cases inferior to equipment available in Gnomeregan…”

Okay so why cant I use both if they are inferior… does not make sense

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It’s trash for PVP it has an AOE dot.

It’s the worst possible PVP weapon.


Yeah, but it has an aoe dot on it that breaks all your cc, so its basically worthless in pvp


OP never said they were specifying pvp only, they just said they want double epic daggers

it is to be implied…

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Stupid argument. What happens when they get nerfed? A 2 hander equals 2 daggers. This is how it’s always been


Are they getting nerfed? Do you have a source backing up that claim?

what do you gain from being this way?

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Being what way? Asking questions and trying to make sense of logic?

for being a hall monitor that polices fun

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I don’t understand what you mean. You made the claim that rogues are “continuously getting shafted” over 2H classes, when they’re currently outperforming every 2H class in dps (again, barring hunter, which I’m unsure is 2H or DW). You then said you wanted double epic daggers, and I explained that if you want a second dagger you can get one from Gnomeregan. I’m sorry you think I’m trying to police your fun I guess?

i dont care about pve dps… people don’t play rogues for the world breaking pve content and 2 button rotations… i am talking about PVP lol… now i see why you can’t have fun… i bet you are a riot at parties… the gnomer dagger is dog water

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Ah I see, you’re one of “those” pvpers

Ok then, enjoy pissing and whining then

what do you mean above? their is zero rogues in the top 200 dps ranking. and only two warriors.

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http s://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2008#dataset=99