Why Cant Inscriptionists Learn The "Crafters Mark of the First Ones?"

The recipe literally says “…for rare armor and accessories” but I, as an inscriptionist who can make off-hands and Trinkets, CANT USE IT. I bought one, tried to learn it and it said it did not work with my profession.

The items you can make are green (uncommon) not rare (blue). You don’t craft trinkets directly so you couldn’t use the Mark at the time they are created.

Yeah I just figured that out so I just dropped it. No money to be made there. Inscription suuuucks.

Actually, Inscription is very profitable, its one of my best proffs.

The term for someone with inscription as a profession is:


…that said, no one can make blue quality weapons. Only alchemists can make blue quality trinkets directly.

Also, have you not bothered trying to craft Glyphs, Missives, or, Marks? Those tend to be good money makers…