Why can't I trinket Spear of Losers from warriors?

99% Positive that blessing of freedom does it as well because i watched a hunter continuously walk outta my spear after getting a blessing of freedom

He probably used feign death which removes it

mayhaps then.
HOWEVER, the point im making is, spear is really really easy to get out of, there is so many things that just out right ignore it.

Absolutely 100% freedom does not remove spear, it was feign death

the only thing paladin does that can remove spear is their own bubble or BoP

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hunters disengage talent makes it so u can get out of spear. its rly nice. ive got out of tons of spears and u can just tell the warriors r tilted. i mean i would be tilted if my cd got 0 value also

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Ahh, I was thinking something else then.

I just Turtle, it lasts longer than Spear and you can see them smashing their keyboards.

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Funniest thing is to freezing trap them if they happen not to have trinket up. They sit frozen while you /lol in the spear.


Greater fade is your friend there bud :slight_smile:

Greater Fade

Damn, it’s a shame I don’t have Greater Fade as a Discipline Priest. Must be niceeee. :sob:

Spear should just work like Ursol’s Vortex honestly. After 2-3 times pulling you back it should just stop pulling.

You’re an Spriest. Gfade and walk out of it, or just MC the Warrior so other people caught can.

Spear should only grip you 1 time like Vortex does for Druid in PvP. They need to fix this so it’s not so jarring ruining gameplay. Same for Abomlimb. It’s a shame they added these terrible abilities making PvP gross.

If Spear grips you back once then it’s DRed that would be fine.


I think it’s dumb you can’t teleport out of it. I’ll teleport 40 yards out and it’ll drag me through pillars and walls to pull me back in. Makes no sense.

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Just fade it.

You can, it just has to be as the pull is triggered.

Spears of bastion and abomination limbs are two abilities that make the game much worst just by existing.