Why can't I smoke indoors?

I used to be able to smoke indoors until the liberals came and mucked this country up beyond repair. I should be able to smoke indoors if I want to.

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I’m as far right wing as they come and I’m glad that nearly all business owners agreed to stop allowing people to smoke in their places of business.

“I’m as far right wing as they come” Get outta here with your BS commie. Nobody is buying what you’re selling. Or should I say giving away. We used to be FREE! Gone are those halcyon days of being able to drink and drive. You work your butt off all day and want to have a couple beers behind the wheel but the GOVERNMENT can’t keep their grubby hands out of YOUR vehicle. Only FOOLS celebrate the restriction of FREEDOMS! Maybe kids wouldn’t be so fat if they could smoke. Ever think of that?

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Is this the line for participation trophies?

sets up a lawn chair and cracks open a bag of Fritos.

hits vape

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That’s the other line, this one’s for gender studies degrees and student loan debt. Also handbags that cost 3 month’s pay but are too small to hold anything.

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Well I can remember paying off my student loan debt (MBA in basket weaving) while walking two miles, uphill both ways, all in the middle of a Dun Morogh blizzard.

gets up and quietly gathers his lawn chair and bag of Fritos.


Baskets make great alternatives to those overpriced, minuscule bags and are much friendlier to the environment.

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a business owner choosing how they run their business would be considered a freedom.

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“True freedom is corporate slavery.” Like I said. Nobody wants what you’re handing out pinko.

“I type this on my computer made by mega-billion dollar corporations, while paying my sub fee to use a video game forum owned by another mega corporation”.


Also, champ, what’s this about?

You do understand that commies are far left, right? Someone, much like yourself, who doesn’t understand the basics of politics and what a freedom actually is probably shouldn’t chime in. lol

gonna make a 10 hour version to listen to.

CLEARLY this guy just doesn’t get FREEDOM. Just wants the GOVERNMENT to take away all your God given rights! (drinking and driving and smoking where you want) Disgusting!

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Kiper is confused about a lot of things, probably most glaringly he believes the opinion of a guy who plays gnome isn’t going to be immediately discarded by members of a polite society. Regardless of his racial handicap, he also seems to believe that

when the topic of this post was clearly lamenting that businesses are literally NOT GIVEN A CHOICE about allowing smoking indoors which is both anti-american and bicurious af. (To be clear, being bicurious is in no way anti-american, it’s just in this specific instance this guy’s anti-americanness and bicuriousness happened to align like the planets into a vortex of evil. [To be clear, being bicurious is not evil, but being anti-american is evil so again, not directly interdependent but just tangentially related.])

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There’s absolutely nothing stopping anyone from CHOOSING to light up and smoke inside a business. It just comes with a set of consequences.


There are absolutely no horde qualified to debate anything. Y’all still don’t have chairs.

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Congratulations, you’ve figured out that there’s nothing stopping anyone from choosing to do anything except for a certain set of consequences. Society is meaningless, laws and money are just like, MADE UP man! Why even bother having them at all? Why shouldn’t I just light up wherever I please and anybody who doesn’t like it can step up and try to do something about it? Social anarchy! Sink or swim, survival of the fittest, smoke em if you got em!

Is this the sort of thing they’re teaching at the adult basketweaving level in those elite alliance universities these days? The horde may be chairblerically challenged, but I’m more concerned about the gnomish space lasers that I have it on good authority are responsible for burning down Teldrassil in an obvious false flag attack.


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Sorry, I don’t speak Italian.