im 392 ilvl…
I think the item level required to queue for solo shuffle is equal to that of Bloody Token gear, or 434, which is 3 item levels lower than honor gear (437). At least that’s how it worked last season.
errr honor gear 5/5 levled up is 392?
i guess it’s cuz the old conquest gear is only 424 in pvp x.x :"(
I think the pvp item level is like 424.
Its actually super annoying, if i am mot specifically in my s2 honor gear it wont let me queue. Like if i have my raid gear on which is almost 420 ilvl i have to switch gears to queue.
That’s a good thing.
What is super annoying about that? I swear WoW players will complain about literally anything. Even something that takes 1 sec to click raid set or PvP set
For future reference and for anyone confused, this expansion you never have to upgrade your pvp gear if all you care about pvp. In PvP combat it scales up to its max item level
I hay can’t you read…. It tells you right there your ilvl needs to be higher.
Its annoying because queues are long so i am often doing other things too. So clicking queue and running off to do something in the gear that is most optimal to do it in only to check queue time and realize you never queued and its been 15 mins, open gear, spend that 1 second your talking about to switch gear, ipen and requeue, reopen gear, switch back to other gear set…is annoying.
I sware wow players will find any reason to patronize other players…
Lots of us PvPers have been asking for this for years. No reason why someone should be able to come in full end game epic mythics with next to no PvP experience and stomp over the max pvp geared people just cuz the PvEs are better. My PvE ilvl is super high but cannot queue up right now. If I could then then some of the other players wouldnt stand a chance. And in that case it would be my gear winning for me, not my skill.