Why can't I play with my alliance friends?

All the big faction leaders play with each other… Jaina, Thrall. Shadowlands is a neutral zone - Oribos, the covenant sanctums. I can already queue as a mercenary in BGs and work with the alliance to kill horde - so why can’t I work with the alliance to defeat the Jailer?


Great news! You can. All you need to do is roll an alliance toon or faction change and you’re set! Happy gaming. :slight_smile:


But then I can’t play with my horde friends


The answer here is really simple.

Simply make your friends duel to the death in Gurubashi Arena, whichever faction wins is the one that deserves your friendship more.


Because Alliance rules Horde drools, obviously.


Are you stompypotato? I miss you

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I’m confused? Why not? I have friends in both factions and play fine. Stars not align correctly? I even have a friend that strictly plays TBC and play with him. I have a horde pally and a alliance one and works just fine.


Hehe :yum:

Plus 10


While witty, the attempt didn’t quite work that well. People can’t be one faction and play with the other. I don’t get to be in the same dungeon as my Horde friends and then go back to Stormwind or quest in Redridge, etc.

You know exactly what’s being asked for here.

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I simply do not have the time to maintain 2 separate fully geared characters for raiding simultaneously. I applaud that you do, but not everyone can play like that.


They got discord does it really matter. I hope they bring some awesome wpvp crap again in next expansion not just boring warmode were everyone rolls around trying to get to max level and done. They could do wonders for this game if they actually wanted to focus pvp and maybe focused on putting out the same amount of content for pve and pvp every expansion.

I don’t understand the huge debacle about playing another character on another faction. I get it, people want x-faction grouping for PvE, which I’ve said before, I don’t like the idea of but I’m fine with it in the grand scheme. But if I also really wanted to play with friends on the other faction, I would just roll a toon over there and enjoy time with them.

It ain’t that hard with Korthia and all that to get some gear to be taken into some content. If they like you enough back, they’ll actually help you with the whole thing.

Simply wanting to makes you a traitor to the Horde.

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This might never happen. Think of what we’re asking.

First off, you can’t friend people from the other factions. THEN AGAIN we can friend their BattleTag.

We can’t have guild members from the other faction. Plus both factions still fight in battlegrounds.

I’d love the idea of doing a Dungeon run or Raid with a party of Tauren, Trolls, Goblins and Forsaken :slight_smile:


I have no desire to level or gear this expansion. And I can’t keep up on multiple characters anymore. I don’t have the time or will. But I still want to be able to hang out with them or run lower dungeons or run old raids.

It’s a QoL that would only affect groups people make themselves. Otherwise, I don’t see any difference in the rest of the world.


This seriously sounds like your average I want everything why can’t I have everything whine. The game has two factions. Part of the choice you have to make is picking one. It’s been like this for over 20 years. The factions are a base core of this game.

You have voice chat to use as well as Bnet chat. If you want to play a faction with your friends, play that faction. Wanting to play horde and alliance at the same time just makes you sound entitled.


You can.

Just roll an Alliance race.

Or roll FFXIV and play with your friends regardless of their character’s race. :sunglasses:


I’m not sure how you got that out of this request. OP didn’t ask for factions to be dissolved. OP asked a question about the same thing many others have asked on this forum: why not have the option to group up for PvE cross faction? Nothing else. Which means nothing changes, except the ability to go into a raid or dungeon with some friends cross faction sometimes.

Doesn’t solve grouping for dungeons or raids.

People don’t want to swap from a character they love just because their faction is dying.

Not what was asked for and no one is sounding entitled. No one demanded anything. A question was asked. You’re just throwing out buzz words.

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Its a simple request. Your response was really rude and out of turn. A lot of people have been asking for this kind of thing to happen. Entitled for wanting to do what every other MMO lets you do already? Really?