Why can't I just play normal random bg rules against Pugs as a pug?

The premade people are normally people that can’t get to 1800 without paying for it… they’re not good players. They are cheaters.


Should be easy to beat them then…

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In fair combat it’s very easy to beat them. That’s why they exploit and cheat.


“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”

jaina proudmore in her book The Art of the World OF Warcraft

40-40 …again shd be easy to beat terrible players

40 players sitting in discord vs 40 players not… it’s not a fair fight period.


In before someone starts quoting art of war in epic bgs.

There is no such thing as a fair fight-inemia/sun tzu

Hunters are not broken you are just bad-sun tzu

Gravity displacer is a fair mechanic in war-sun tzu.

Be as silent as camouflage and then sniper shot like lightning.-sun tzu


I think the real Sun Tzu has a lot of applicability to the situation. It starts with discipline, people doing what they’re being told to which in BG terms means supporting the group’s strategy. Then there’s predicting what the enemy will do which is posting at critical points to call incoming or knowing objectives so you can predict where the enemy will be. You have heaven and earth, our commitment to winning and our positioning. The goal in all of it is to bring a greater force into an engagement than your opponent, that’s how you win.

The enemy can not complain if he is dead to a hard stack of mm and fire mage-sun tzu


buy gliders or be slow to the flag -sun tzu


Only the fool buys gliders instead of just having engineering-sun tzu


If you wanted a legion of things to do whatever you tell them to without complaint you should get robots.

Personally i hate the idea of authority. Especially when the person telling me to do things is so ovbiously inferior to me.

And also cause everytime a predictable ****show unfolds that i try to tell them will happen they are 9/10 times going to shift blame on everyone and everything else. Part of the burdern of leadership is taking credit for the failures not just the successes.


The story of Sun Tzu and the prostitutes falls into the familiar genre of moral teachings, or lessons. His intent with this act was to demonstrate his bona fides as a military general and to educate a potential employer, the King of Wu.

To test his skills as a general, the King of Wu commanded that Sun Tzu train his harem of 180 concubines into a functional fighting force. Sun Tzu accepted the challenge and used it as a way to demonstrate his theories on leadership to the King. Sun Tzu started by dividing the concubines into two companies. The King’s favorite two concubines were both elevated to the position of officers in charge, and each was given a company to command under the overall leadership of Sun Tzu himself.

The companies were then assembled in front of the King of Wu, and Sun Tzu commanded them to face to the right. However the concubines, amused by the idea of being pressed into service, did not obey, and instead giggled amongst themselves. Sun Tzu then turned to the King and explained that this was not the fault of the concubines, but of Sun Tzu himself. The general, he said, was responsible for ensuring his orders were understood, and in this he had failed.

Sun Tzu then gave the same order in clear terms, and the result was again inaction and laughter. This time however the outcome was very different, and Sun Tzu ordered that the two favored concubines in charge of each company be executed. The King of Wu protested loudly at the idea that his favorites be killed, but Sun Tzu also had an explanation ready for this. If the soldiers understood the orders, as they now did, and still did not obey, this was the fault of the officers. In addition, it was the duty of the general to complete his mission, even if his master protested his methods.

The concubines were duly executed, and new officers were chosen from the harem to replace them. Sun Tzu repeated his order a third time, and it was obeyed without hesitation and without question.

Ah good to see nepotism was still alive and well back then.

Yeah if i was a female being forced to go fight grown men instead of enlisting the grown men of my country i’d be a little furious and hesistant to.

Ah so as per usual the person giving the commands was never the person actually on the field experiencing the outcomes of his decisions first hand. Instead he used fear as a tool to get what he wanted like every dictatorial leader/general before him. Nothing groundbreaking there.

Well yeah it turns out people value their lives even if the general did not.

Have you ever seen “all quiet on the western front” It is a very telling story of how war does and has always worked.

People 100’s of miles away from the battlefield making decisions that they will never experience the consquences of and never taking into consideration the views of the people who are getting ready to do the bleeding and dying for their decision.

Looks like that formula has not changed in a long time using fear as a tool to get people to march domefirst into a meatgrinder.

And so when people start realizing that its no surprise that they are not going to do it with smiles on their faces like you expect them to.

And as someone who has been in the military in order to get my american citizenship (i am german) i can attest it still functions the same way today it did in 1940 which is that until you hit Captain and higher you get treated like a literal peon the whole way through unless you go to officer school pre enlistment and even then for the next few promotions you still get treated like a peon until captain and up its a joke.

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It was written like 2300 years ago, times have changed. It’s still regarded as a masterpiece of military strategy over 2 millennia later. EDIT: Sounds like you would enjoy The Prince by Machiavelli. Politics are still pretty much the same as Renaissance Italy.

I will just never understand that the only way people have found a way to function as a species after millions of years is to treat 1 group of people like they are gods when there is quite literally not a single diference between them and the other group of people who basically exist to serve group 1.

Both groups are literally just bags of meat if you were to cut either one the same thing would happen.

But yet all through history you have kings and people who would kill you just for disagreeing with one of their opinions. As if it were the gospel.

And also people so arrogant that they believed they were chosen by god himself and were the only ones who could hear and execute his will. the same thing happened in asia with “divine right to rule” lmao…

Which was of course always a lie…they were either making it all up or hearing voices.

There was never a diference between these people and the so called surfs beneath them.

Like just think the only 3 systems that we have developed over the past 1000’s of years in the west have been

3. Capitalism

And all 3 of these systems have the same thing in common and i’ll let you figure that out for yourself.

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What’s interesting about the ancient writings is not how things were different but how they were the same.

Does this mean that Honor Levels <30 have their own BG q’s? Did you experience that OP as you gained Honor Levels?

I was posting in another thread where I had to admit that I could not prove that Honor Level got their own bgs <30 because I had no evidence. In fact, in epic bgs, ea game of the quick 3 I looked at had between 1 and 3 players < 30. So that suggested that the seperation does not happen. Granted it was a quick look and I did not go very far into lookuing, but I could find no solid evidence of this happening, (i.e perhaps those low honor level players were grouped with higher honor level players and therefore in a ‘normal’ epic bg?).

Does anyone have any actual evidence that this happens?

The only evidence I can offer is anecdotal.

But from my experience 1-30 was always 1-30 Honor Level players in the BGs. The epic bgs and randoms were fun because there was no premades in both Random or Epic bgs.

As soon as I hit Honor Level 30 I was lumped into the premade era of Wow Pvp and my experience plummetted

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Yah, that’s all I’ve seen too.

There was another point I had to concede as I could not prove it other than anecdotally and it was in re: to ilvl for new lvls 70s in Season 3. I raised 3 toons to 70 that season (they ended up deleted lol) and all of them in epic bgs had their low ilvl leveling gear raised to 450. I was able find one post from last Dec that mentioned something similar for Comp Stomp. But nothing official. I had to admit defeat on that one as well, because I tried some very low ilvl stuff, including heirlooms this season and there was no increase…but that was on my older ‘mains’ with real gear sittin in the bags…/shrug who knows.

So, I do not know what is up with that. I would certainly like it if someone else could find some more evidence one way or another for either of those.

Finally, I know that premades are a pain. There is Blitz if one is not interested in ever seeing 'em again.

Personally, I don’t like 'em, but I also don’t care, primarily because I can think of no solution that prevents 'em and allows friends and family to play together. I prefer to fight 'em cause when they are on my team, it’s boring and I feel like the bad villain in a B movie. Blizz will do something about 'em at some point if I had to guess. Blitz I think is where they are trying atm…who knows what the future brings.

From a game play perspective, when facing them, try to see it as a series of engagements, and while you are probably going to lose, how you play in each of those battles can be interesting and fun. That’s how I look at it. When they are on my team I am mostly annoyed cause it really sucks. So maybe the premades will roll Horde and that would be wonderful. Thanks premades, that would be greeeeaaaaat! <== /in Office Space manager voice, drinking coffee.