Why can't Blizzard figure out DK?

My initial reaction to this was “F You, 2h Frost is finally back”, but let’s break it down a bit.

So, Frost falling off a cliff - I can’t speak for PvE, but in PvP it’s absolutely lovely. Every expansion, no matter how much they try, there’s always one spec that outperforms DPS wise.

For Blood, Blood is a niche type of tank, always has been. A lot of us have fond memories of WotLK, where we never really ‘tanked’, we just DPS’d in Frost Presence, and it just worked. Blood will bounce back, probably when the next raid comes out, there’s currently only one raid, and as a general rule, every raid has a tank spec or two that’s just not as viable. Remember MoP? Brewmasters, the new class, were such awful tanks that no one would touch them for the first tier, but by the end of the Xpack, there were plenty.

Unholy has high sustain, that’s basically what it’s built around, so it’s naturally going to do well in PvE, because it doesn’t rely on cooldowns for damage, it just…Does damage.

We’re early into the xpack, there’s only one raid to judge any of this off of, and yeah, sure there’s M+, but those aren’t exactly the best ways to judge a class this early. Each one has its own mechanics, and goals, and no single spec is going to fit that as S+ every single time.

Bottomline for me is, Frost 2h is back, and PvP is fun again, please don’t take this away from me.

I guess you could call that…

An avalanche of a spec.

EDIT: Oh god what have I done… :man_facepalming:


My only issue with UH is the sound SS makes. It sounds like a barrel hitting the ground. That’s not what I imagine a magical slash sounds like, but maybe some people like it.

Pet has wares if you have coin

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They need to at the very least revert the pillar nerfs.

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I don’t see why not.

With unholy you could practically use your core cds every 30 - 40 seconds (also depending on your conduit levels for apocalypse taken into account). I love love unholy and all, but why is it okay for it have such potentially short cds, but frost got the nerf to its duration and cd time?

They probably didn’t think it through

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some do, the blight and sores builds for example. That being said frost was wayyy overnerfed in October.

I was really looking forward to trying 2h frost in pve. As someone who played and loved blood dps back in wrath 2h frost looked like blood 2.0. Glad I can play it in pvp at least.

baseline damage over pillar, so we scale and aren’t tied to CD damage only. Which is an issue with both specs.

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Wow is on the ventilator. It’s just used to make money for other interests . So they skim on employees and bare bone it .

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You’d think they’d be smart enough to know if you don’t feed your cashcow well it’s gonna die of malnutrition and then you have no cashcow.


M+ is not reflective of actual tanking - tanks don’t really tank that much in M+ so much as kite - and Blood is not equipped for that - no matter how much grip of the dead and wraithwalk you do.

In Raid content - we will accelerate once we have actual haste rating to fill in the gaps; although I WISH our damage was better - I feel that I am struggling with threat vs my fellow tank when it is my turn on the swap.

Finally - Runeforges should be exempt from the unbalanced Debuff - I had a really sweet set up - I carried like 5 different swords in my bag to swap as the fight demanded mid fight.

OT? Fallen Crusader
Physical Damage? Gargoyle
Spike? Hysteria
Execution? Sanguination
Magic? Spellwarding

It was fun till blizzard screwed it over with that debuff.