Why can you mog no pants now? children play this game

Think of the children!!! Last I checked, the rating of this game is T.

is op the same person that would make a rage video on you tube about Deadpool and wolverine on how much violence there was.

Children see more these days in grade school story time.

What does ā€œTā€ for ā€œTeenā€ mean in French? Or Spanish? Does it mean 17 and 16 respectively (dix-sept or diez y seis)?? This whole thread confuses me. An age is arbitrary. The T should stand for some sort of maturity. Which would eliminate a lot of adults here, tbh.

almost certain 90% of the posts on these forums about this are just bait.

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thatsbait dot gif

or the final decent with the ultimate bunny outfit lol

Weā€™ve had pantsless bank alts for twenty years, not to mention Betty & Veronica in bikinis for sixty years. I think the kids will be fine while they log in to mass murder each other and NPCs.


I call shenanigans. Iā€™m on Moon Guard and I donā€™t even see this often.


How odd that we draw the line at children seeing underpants but not them seeing murder, genocide, drinking at brewfest, or having unmoderated chat with adult strangers in upgraded chatrooms.

Like your kids with access to the internet arenā€™t googling far worse anyway.


For cloths we have a shirt and pants we can wear which is even better. (Elywnn Forest.)

orcs are also pretty disgusting yet I am not complaining about them

You just did though.

no I just said they are disgusting but I did not complain

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So the OP wasnā€™t complaining either?

well I stated an opinion not putting in a complaint

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Iā€™ve seen it maybe twice since this change was implemented.


Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m understanding here.

Does it cease to be an opinion and become a formal complaint in his case? If so, why?

Hope you never take your kids to the beach then, might be people in bikiniā€™s or speedoā€™s.