Why can’t I be a pandaren paladin?!

Pandarens can be priests and use powerful holy Magic.
They can also be warriors and swing a big sword and protect with shields
So why are they not allowed to be paladins?

Same with night elf’s
Same with orcs.

The paladin race discrimination needs to end.

Ps. Blizzard just think of all the money you will make from race changes :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::moneybag::dollar::money_mouth_face:

I’m still waiting on NE Paladins, since the lore of one becoming a pally in the legion class hall…

I wanted a KT pally too, but we got shamans instead, which makes zero sense other than to balance out the zandalari paladins.

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Cuz it’s called the Light not the Heavy


Why can’t I be a vulpera paladin? they can be priest.s

We need all classes open to all races.


Pandaren paladin would be pretty cool. Fighting with the power of Chi-Ji or something.

Oh yeah, I knew I’d seen something like that before!


Every race besides Dracthyr can be Warriors and Priests now. Blizzard does eventually want to open up every class option (except Evoker) to every race. I think right now they are working on the racial variants for the Paladin Charger mount as well as some quick lore explanations for them if they haven’t already or unless they are working on other class race combinations.

my guess is the rest of the ones are gonna take time. the mounts need to be changed, the totems for shaman need to match the race, and druid and their own flightforms, deer and cat.

paladin, shaman and druid are the ones that will take some times but the druid one is really gonna take a while there are less druid options than anyone else and it sucks lol

Panda charger could be a golden shelled turtle with a banner of the naaru on its back

Not really needed since the lore of this game is pretty much a meme post legion

I want a Forsaken Shaman so bad!


So many fan artists out there doing all this free concept work for them! It should be easy!

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I love this

We need more glyphs for every class in game now, too. For instance, Shadowform. I want the old look back. I’m tired of the fart clouds.
I want this back:

With this as another option:

And the Onslaught Raven Priest as another:


Priest class represents a race’s particular religious leader, but for gameplay purposes they all have the same Light and Shadow spells and such.
Paladins only use the Light and Pandas don’t believe in the Light.

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Emperor shaohao and the celestials were literally using light powers in mop tho?

Not that I saw. They have powers for sure, but I didn’t see any evidence that they were Light-based, nor was there any mention of them being so.

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Oh man, one of my biggest gripes. The fact that it’s not even just a constant cloud around you, but actually does a “poot, poot, poot” behind you drives me insane.

Not enough discipline.

Why can I be a Vulperan Demon Hunter?

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Pandaren are too chill to be fanatical light zealots

Shaohao literally hid an entire island mistweaver style. Different from light powers:

All Shaohao could do was shield them from annihilation. With Sheilun in his grasp, Shaohao committed his final breath to protecting his land and all who lived within it. This staff had saved countless lives before-and in one moment, it saved countless more.

Free of all his burdens and negative emotions, Shaohao became one with the land. Through Sheilun, his spirit was transformed, surrounding Pandaria as a great mist.

Pandaria drifted away, immune to the chaos that gripped the rest of the world. The Sundering passed the land by, and for thousands of years, the mists would continue to protect Pandaria.

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