Dragon Riding and Soar were praised by virtually everyone, so why change what’s not broken?
Your argument about Soar being an unfair advantage is complete bullcrap when the ability has a FIVE minute cooldown, not to mention the countless other ways you can already travel across the old world with the help of several portals and items that can take you from point A to point B in the blink of an eye. And even if it were an advantage, nobody would actually care.
It’s a shame. I was really starting to believe that you guys were changing, and that you were finally listening to player feed back, but clearly you are not.
Its how THEY FEEL, not how WE FEEL, they never listened to us, never have and never will. They are still stuck on the, “Its our game we’ll decide whats best for it.” So pissing the community off is whats best for the game? Lol okay.
They’re still getting even with the players who left over harder dungeons in cata and forced them to nerf those dungeons. And players who left in wod over the flight removal debacle. They are getting even with players who have never come back by taking it out on those who are still playing. Makes so much sense.
And they’ll lose players for this, just as they always have. I don’t know why it’s so hard for them to understand this.
The change they pulled on Dragon Riding after the insane praise it received is mindboggling to me. Like, “Guys, the players love our new feature! How can we make it even better? Oh I know, by changing and removing the parts that they liked about it!”
We have every reason to believe that they put Grimrail Depot up to a “community vote”, including mostly people who didn’t even do mythic+, because they wanted to troll players but wanted players to blame other players.
This was a community based decision, not a Blizzard decision, if it was Blizzards decision Im pretty sure they’d choose something even worse then Grimrail Depot… Like Blackrock Depths as a M+…
At least the players like trains, which are cool. I bet Blizzard doesn’t even like trains, which is why all of them but Grimrail got scrapped from WoD.
Eh… it’s a racial. It still goes ridiculously fast. I’m not fussed by that. I am fussed by making dragon riding clunky. Literally no one sits there and thinks, “hey, turning should be meaningful!”
Don’t try to understand Blizzard and their anti-fun policy. The racial wasn’t that great when it was faster and it’s not likely to get better. They going to continue gutting it until there’s zero reason to press it. Unless you’re dive bombing off Hyjal, you barely have a reason as is.
Seriously, it doesn’t if you get to an old raid a bit faster than someone else it’s not like transmog farming is a competition, it makes no sense to nerf the racial for this reason.
I’m not oppose to the “you think you do but you don’t” game design philosophy, there are lots of people on the forums that come up with stupid game breaking changes to things they don’t like.
But this was such a universally loved feature that wasn’t tied to player power that isn’t causing any problems and they just changed it because it was TOO much fun. Idk wtf they are doing over there. I was really hopeful for DF but that hopium zeppelin has been pretty deflated by this.