Why blizz why? legit question

Account Action: Silenced until 2024-04-21 18:22:42 UTC
Offense: Harassment

So went to everlook to check and see if the bots were still farming runecloth pattern, and new twist!! alliance are getting low lvl alts on dif accounts, this one was Sacredprayer, who seemed to be protecting 2 priest bots farming runecloth bag pattern. The low lvl priest casts void plauge and homonculi which causes the guards to attack you as well as the low lvl priest. you cant even try to dispell it off because that auto agros the guards too!!!

the level of retard griefing here is off the chains

-post was removed for calling out griefing which someone reported as offensive- kek

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banned becasue calling out people for exploiting or?? w/e

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Name dropping, yes.

Why… do you play SOD?

Retail is trash, you should know this.

you don’t think it was maybe


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Man here is speed running forum suspensions lol.
I am surprise no one told you in your last post to remove the names. Also I would remove the R word that will usually hit you.