Why Blizz hasn't announced realm names

Im pretty sure they said they’re gonna release server names and all that before august 13th. Also bear in mind that if your in america, servers are most likely gonna be opening up on the 12th.

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So, I still don’t get how they intend to glean that information. How do you guage the amount of interest in a server that you aren’t offering?
I believe they should number RP-PvP on the list of servers for the 13th. That will provide the information they are looking for. Not offering it provides…nothing.

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I just want realm names announced ASAP so I we collectively can start planning First Day guilds and RP groups.

As do we all, but making threads complaining about the lack of that info isn’t really going to speed up the process. In the coming 3-4 weeks we will be getting that info. My guild already has a discord setup and a voting system in place for everyone to take part in.

(Shameless plug) If your interested in joining a chill group of players wanting to play classic be social and have fun while raiding add me on Discord. Guild name is Virtue on Alliance and were accepting anyone who wants to join. Socials are also welcomed.

Discord: Andrew#4323

Very possible. You’ve got whatever the current WoW sub numbers are (1-1.5 million probably) who are given Classic for free. Then you’ve got all the ex-WoW players…tens of millions. Plus people who’ve never played. The possible pool of players is MASSIVE.

Yeah i’m placing my bets in the ballpark of 5-6 mil. It has the potential of being way higher since classic is pretty hyped up. Either way its going to be alot. Cya all in classic :smiley: .

so now we have gone from 12 million subscribers for classic (which is unrealistic), to tens of millions (just to remind you, that means you think that its ‘very possible’ at least 20 million people are coming to play Classic).

lol. from unrealistic to just plain fantasy

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I’m as hyped for Classic as anyone, and I completely agree with you. Of course, there will be a surge at launch, but I am with Blizzard that it will drop off significantly within a month.

I actually think that Classic’s final sub base will be less than a million. Perhaps far less than a million. And even then, it will be considered by Blizzard to be very successful. It is a niche game.

However, I would be delighted to be wrong.

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“Subscribers for classic” on launch day are going to consist of current subs, returning subs, and potential new subs. There is no separate classic sub, and it would be ridonckulously irresponsible to not account for all who will be there when the gates open.

If you truly think that pool is not 12 million plus, you are flat out trolling.

Probably because they dont have to until aug 13th when we get to make characters

Correct, they do not “have to”. However it would be a disservice to the playerbase who want to organize their guilds if they failed to do so.

Not that they actually care about classic players mind you.

The pool is far larger than that if we account for everyone who ever played WoW and who might come back for launch. It goes into the hundreds of millions.

Well, it seems that they will give you almost 2 weeks to get it together. But maybe, they stalled the stress test to create the realms, name them and debut them on the next test, doubtful but that would be great.

People need to know prior to those two weeks (assuming you mean the two weeks from name res to release) otherwise they will not have time to decide on a server and get all their guildies on the same one.

Every single person in america who wants to play on a PvP server being put into 2 servers? That sounds like a nightmare. Layering would never be able to go away.

the only people trolling are those who think 12+ million subscribers is a thing.

you are saying that Classic release is going to exceed the subscription rate of the most popular time in wow history. That is whats ridiculous.

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I think they will be making a big mistake if they don’t give at least 50 realms for America. That accounts for 150,000 concurrent players (meaning all 50 realms will be full). I think 150,000 concurrent players is pretty low even after 3 or 4 months, but I am being conservative.

The servers will be much larger pop than 3k, it’s their main reasoning for layering.

I mentioned 3 or 4 months after launch, so that is hopefully after layering. I won’t say “we”, but I certainly don’t want to see more than 3,000 concurrent players per server.

What part of it including current subs do you not understand? It is as if you are not even bothering to read what you are responding to.

Classic release is going to include:

  • current retail subs (likely the largest number)
  • returning subs
  • new subs

How many current retail players alone do you imagine are going to be there on classic release day?