Why aren't my completed keys showing on profile?

Everything else is updating. It’s weird.

The armory tends to update in it’s own fashion, and the api that reports data also, especially if you are referring to sites like RaiderIO. You can probably put in a bug report though, so developers can review.

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I did that a few days ago, both on technical support and the bug report forums.

It’s been my experience that armory will typically update upon log out, but I’m on the 2nd week of activity where I’ve been timing keys since opening day and mine is still blank while other’s seem to be working. That’s why I’m kind of at a spot where I’m wondering it it’s something that needs looked at.

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The armory is in a ‘beta’ state and isn’t really looked at. More so when it’s known for its updates on its own. There isn’t a way to force to update.

Technical support is a player discussion forum for crashes, lag.

Bug report, as well as website bug report forums are better for this. There is also a separate API forum, not on the wow forums.

Your transmog, end-game activity, etc. will generally have changes reflect upon a log out.

The armory is in a perpetual state of player testing and Blizzard never looks at it?

They have to make armory changes at least every couple years, so not sure what you mean by this.

Your not alone on this issue, My tank is also not showing any mythics this season and my friends pages also is hit or miss.

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Yeah, I made two posts and opened a ticket. The only attention any Blizzard employee gave it was some blue moved this post to a different forum without so much as an ‘I’ll pass this along to a colleague for further inspection.’

Looks like a ‘deal with it or quit paying us’ issue.