Why are Zandalari warriors so popular?

I thought I liked zanda troll, but then the more I played the more I hated their run animation. The final straw for me was the “slam” animation which was actually not a slam at all, but a weak looking spin.

I race changed to orc and couldn’t be happier.

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Yah, this was a deal breaker for me. I swapped my Paladin to ZTroll in the beginning of SL only to pay to swap back to BE due to the toes. I do like their animation and size.

This is why I’m glad I am necrolord. The covenant armor covers my fragile exposed toes. And so I get all the benefits of being zandalari with toe coverage.

I hope that more armor sets cover toes for zandalari.

You are getting some cov buff tomorrow too! Nice!!

I hope the opposite, and while Id typically start seeking out voodoo to curse you, I now realize that all they need to do is make the 3d toe elements hideable.

It’s the same spin night elves use btw.

Orcs are by far the best race for PvP. Hardiness is just way too strong especially since it stacks with other CC reduction things like Sephuz.

Yeah but they’re arguably the worst for pve. None of their racials do anything in a raid encounter except give you a tiny bit more damage. That damage is often over shadowed by the other +1% stat racials.

Yea but racials don’t make a big impact in PvE.

On the other hand, being an Orc makes a pretty huge impact in PvP. The 20% stun reduction is just way too powerful.

Some racials are great in PvE. Shadowmeld warps the mdi to be 100% night elves. The blood elf racial is great in dungeons, same with Tauren or High mountain. Dwarf racial is useful sometimes, you occasionally see dwarves run Rogue in mdi for it or at least you did in bfa not 100% on shadowlands. Plenty of other racials have cool neat effects that can be useful in open world content like vulpera.

Orcs though? Nothing. One pvp racial that never comes up outside of pvp and that’s it. If you don’t pvp you may as well not have racials.

But these racials don’t nearly have the same impact in PvE as Orc does in PvP.

Again. MDI is nearly 100% Night Elves with the occasional Dwarf. That’s a pretty huge impact.

Most players don’t play in the MDI or at that level in general. Sure these racials are impactful when min/maxing at high level keys but those racials are definitely not needed for the vast majority of M+ content.

On the other hand, the Orc racials are incredibly useful for all levels of PvP content because of how powerful they are. It is incredibly useful for the sub 1400s bracket all the way to the top.

The shouts. It’s all about the Zandalari shouts. HA HA HAAAA, HUAAAAHHHH

Where did you saw that statitics? I’m genuinely asking.

I mean you said it. It’s the best pvp class by far. You die in stuns in PvP and that reduction is key. My war still can’t outlive a rogue opener but I’m sure geared ones in D stance can