Why are Zandalari warriors so popular?

Looked up the top races for warriors and on the Horde Zandalari is #2.

This is based on popularity so

  1. Orcs
  2. Zandalari trolls
  3. Tauren
  4. Blood elves.

So why are Zandalari trolls so popular is it just looks,


They look cool I suspect. But also their racials are pretty strong


For me it was the self heal for arms and protection.


The self heal is pretty nice for warriors


they look good in plate, they aren’t hunched over and you get heritage armor for leveling them.


They look cool and 4% crit on a high uptime racial is pretty huge.


I loved Zandalari Warrior… there was always just the one problem… toes… cant be intimidating covered in plate from head to… ankle?


To be honest I question I question why Orcs are so popular. The orc racials are nothing to write home about. I mean hardiness is good in PvP but the other two suck. Orcs have less racials than any other Horde race too.

I mean I’m an Orc Warrior for aesthetic but there is a reason no one ever plays Orc in the MDI or race for world first. I just wonder why it’s so popular on live.

Orc is literally the best PvP race in the game. Stuns are most go’s and reducing stun duration is paramount. Blood fury is really good, too. I hate orc and it would be nice if it’s racials sucked.


The racials are too strong, I miss being an orc but at my current gear level it’s 1.7k in DPS lost. Some probably love it because they look new and fresh, but I’m sure a decent chunk are 1 for the same reason I am. That’s a ton at the highend. I wish they would allow us a few options as “bonus abilities” and make the racials purely cosmetic/non combat related things (like the bag space for some classes, extra gold etc)


It’s a meme answer but “fantasy”. The Orc Warrior is just quintessentially WarCraft.

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it is kind of ironic. Orc warrior most pop, Night elf druid most pop, Undead warlock most pop… and for Paladins it is blood elves not humans… but hey humans are #2


Warrior just seems so fitting for a Zandalari lore wise, and the fact that they look badass in plate is the cherry on top, well for me at least

Bro, they look monstrous in plate armor. Zanda Trolls tower above all the other horde races. Their racials are ok, but nothing super outstanding.

They have the best character model in the game - hands down. I personally could care less that you can see their feet. I look forward to transmogging my gear to look more within the Zandalari culture.

9 month old necro, come on dude.

As mentioned, the crit uptime is actually crazy sometimes. I also like necrolord with the health regenerated racial. I can run away, cast shield on me and use my racial. It helps absorb incoming damage while I heal uninterrupted.

Looks great with gear too. Majority of everything fits right.

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They look great in plate armor

Because orcs are the definitive warrior race of Warcraft. Plus Hardiness is a neat racial.

For me, any race that hides the horrible 3d elements added to footwear is a safeguard against the clown shoe effect from which even undead are not safe anymore. The bat-a-rang toes on the raid plate shoes, the druid fist weapon toes on the mail plate shoes, the bullette head on the black empire mail shoes, almost all the covenant plate. Its an epidemic of bad concept art getting the green light because it looks cool alone but ruins the silhouette of your character.

Unfortunately the covenant sets match with virtually nothing from legacy set transmogs.

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