Why are you turning chi wave and expel harm into passives

why are you pruning abilities as a major expansion feature. i feel like we already had this drama in the past with wod through bfa why are we doing this again. can you not turn decade old, longstanding, iconic abilities into gutted, streamlined, essentially removed passives?? or at least make turning them into passives optional on the talent tree because for windwalker you cant even get Storm, Earth, and Fire or Invoke Xuen without being forced to part with Expel Harm. also why doesnt expel harm generate a chi anymore? change that pls. thanks


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It is a feature to remove buttons when there are too many rotational buttons to press.


I’m a big fan of these passive changes. You could go chi burst if you still really want more buttons to push. Iconic or not, to me felt like those abilities were only gcd fillers and had little impact other wise. They also made the combo points generate passively outside of combat to offset that.


The only spec for monk that doesn’t want these to be passive is windwalker. both brew and mw are GLAD they are passive tbh. i only ever used chi burst to fish for stomp resets. i hated using either ability as brew. windwalker could use it as they cannot rotationally press expel harm during droughts to save mastery.

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Can I ask why you want expel harm to take up a slot in your rotation so badly? The rotation now is about building stacks rapidly and executing something more like a finishing move; having to hit expel harm periodically will slow that down.

That’s kind of what it was. It was mostly a fistweaver move, wasn’t it? There are different ways to generate a chi, now.

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I used it to build chi while I was out of range and as a GCD filler. If the boss and tank jumped away and the adds followed I fired a chi burst until they jumped back or I caught up. It was kind of fun to use that way! You land on them after a flyiing serpent kick and can start spining or use fists right away. It looked great, chi ball, flying jump, smack and pound.

I quite enjoy not having to try and work Expel Harm into my rotation, thanks. I’m quite glad its now a passive for a bit of extra damage and healing on Tiger Palm, which used to be our weakest ability to press. Also, Windwalker had so much extra Chi generation that you still only pressed Tiger Palm once in a blue moon, and often only did so for Teachings of the Monastery. I’m personally finding Windwalker a little more enjoyable now that Tiger Palm is a little more core to the rotation, between the new Expel Harm passive and the talents that actually allow Tiger Palm to hit pretty hard. Martial Mixture especially feels pretty damn good. A 120% damage buff to Tiger Palm at 12 stacks makes Tiger Palm feel like a fun button to press now.

I enjoyed Expel Harm as an active button for the bit of health it brought back and the chi it gave, having it be a passive just doesn’t feel great, like I’d prefer having it in more opportune times in my control. Never was particularly fond of Chi Burst, but this iteration feels horrid, being reliant on a proc just to use it makes it feel really awkward.