Why are you making us suffer?

Over the last couple months I have seen several wowhead news articles about server consolidation and transfers. About two weeks ago it was finally mentioned for the first time in classic that blizzard was actually going to do something about PVE realms which you seemly didn’t care about. Then yesterday in the wowhead news post you mentioned my server directly and pretty much confirmed you have no intention on fixing the grossly underpopulated realm. I have two accounts and play on old blanchy. In classic and early TBC it was a very healthy and booming sever and the game experience was great. You were always able to form groups and do dungeons and raids. Over the course of the last 6 months we have lost more than half of our server population and horde has taken an even bigger hit. On alliance we have been losing guild after guild to other servers via transfer. People have to be in LFG for hours to try to find a tank or a group for any dungeon including heroics. I am in two different guilds trying to experience end game content and we have had to cancel raids due to not being able to get people. We still haven’t unlocked the harbor or the new badge vendor on the island. I am super glad I wasted countless hours farming badges for a vendor that we will never get. In your responses you always down play how low the population is and made it pretty clear you have zero intentions on fixing the problem. At that point most of us left on the server feel like you don’t care about us and are more interested in making money off character transfers. I tried making a post on my server name in forums got zero response or acknowledgement. I filed a ticket and pretty much got told sorry for your luck and post here. I have been playing your games for over two decades starting with Diablo 1 and StarCraft. It makes me sad to think you care more about our money than our experience in game. I refuse to pay to transfer because I don’t think you should be rewarded for ignoring the server problem and at this point I have zero fun in game because their aren’t enough people to do anything. Do you actually care or should I just cancel my sub on both accounts?



Because some people enjoy the suffering of others.

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Speaking from experience?

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Oh, look.

Someone’s mad.

Blizzard is… communist?


Thanks for answering my question

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That was a delightfully delusional statement.

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Nah, they are just feeding on people’s addictions and know they can do what they do and still make money due to data they have. They lack integrity.

That’s more of a political ideology than a personal one. At a personal level they are just terrible people, some of whom probably never experienced power in their life so get off on exercising it against people they see as addicts to their product.

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Big business, anti-union, public companies are… left leaning? Is this kinda like how my grandma calls my playstation a nintendo, because everyt video game is a nintendo, and everything you don’t agree with is a communist?

Why are you giving your time or money to something you deem to be a communist?

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Have you seen his Twitter? I wish I hadn’t tbh, but it’s the only way to keep spamming him with Tweets about bots and LFD.

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too many letters
no paragraphs
did not read


This guy is an incel troll.

Blizzard is a LOT of things… but “liberal” they are not. Dont believe the shallow PR. They dont give a damn about liberalism. They care only about money. The corp is conservative to its core, and so are their controlling shareholders.

Everything you see on Brian’s twitter is bs PR designed to trick you into thinking they’re liberal.

you keep repeating that word
it does not mean what you think it does

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TLDR: My server is dying in my opinion, and there isn’t a free server transfer, so I quit.


He exudes non-desirable traits in weak men, that’s for sure.

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there will be free transfers afaik

I think his complaint is that Old Blanchy isn’t on the list of server’s closing, so it doesnt seem clear if Old Blanchy is getting free realm transfers at this time.

Please teach us more, oh wise one. Explain how this multibillion dollar china-simping company is “so liberal”.


And we can tell a lot about you from this post.

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