Why are you guys in denial?

You got a lot of hate for this game, why do you continue to sub and play it?


True OP they’re all in denial over the state of this game atm. They will have rename it soon “” World of Empty Warcraft “”" And most I reckon are Blizzard Employee’s cause who knows next who’s heads are on the chopping block.


Cliff Notes are the DBM of book clubs. Some people swear by them, some people think they should be banned, some people don’t really get why it matters.


How would they feel about audio books? Is that like piloting since someone is reading the book for you?

It’s a schism that has divided the world of hardcore book clubbing against itself.


Speaking of literary ‘pumpers’, I hear Franz Kafka is meta


pop-up books are leveling dungeons


Plunking through on a different toon now that I’m home and personally find it fun. Getting so vindictive you’d want a game to die isn’t a very healthy state of mind. Logic would dictate that if you’re no longer happy,move onto greener pastures to something that DOES make you happy rather than be so miserable you’d wish a source of other people’s fun to crash and burn as though the game or company somehow kicked a puppy or killed your loved one. In b4 this gets flagged for wrongthink and not throwing shade at Blizz.


Do you only play video games that are popular? Seems like a weird way to gauge personal enjoyment.


If 2% of the player base enjoyed it, would you still try to make this argument?

Thats why its a bad argument.

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Thing is, none of us know what percent of the player base is enjoying it.


Definitionally she would, because she recognizes there is people who do genuinely enjoy the game as well with anything in life and not going to discount their opinions or people enjoying the game.

It’s not an argument you’re trying to make it sound like here. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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i have this weird ability to enjoy something or not enjoy something regardless of how many other people enjoy or don’t enjoy it.

weird, right?


I would go as far to say that’s perfectly normal to have and feel. :open_mouth:


You mean you don’t base your personal opinion, hobbies, or choices in activities based on what other people tell you to like or not like? What sort of blasphemy is this.


For real. This is the real highlight of the SLs for me. Don’t have to do shiz for World Quests and I’m loving it so much. Being able to focus on what I want to do has been really nice.

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Wait a second there, bub! You mean to tell me that following the largest crowd of people around and doing what they enjoy isn’t normal? Oh boy.


People have different opinions when it comes to video games.
I quit playing SL months ago. But I know of quite a few people that
absolutely love SL. As for this 41% (not half) of players quitting.
All we know is they canceled their account. What we do not know
is how many of those 41% are SL players. Then how many are Classic
players. (unless of course they have said it and I didnt hear that part)

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That’s actually a very good question. Classic is basically at the end of the line now, there is no where left for that train to go except TBC. I would assume many players dropped off after completing what they felt they wanted to complete, like end-of-expansion players generally do.

My guess is there will be a massive surge when TBC launches. Maybe even 41%? :upside_down_face:

Alright, to be serious for one moment here, if you are following the largest crowd of people around and doing what they enjoy because you enjoy it, that’s normal.

It’s abnormal when you try to make it like an objective thing to force it on other people or shame/belittle and etc when they don’t, like what’s going on with people who thinks Shadowlands is bad and want to discredit or discount people who do enjoy it.

Another example of that would be those silly console wars that people sometimes participate in. Almost to a point where it’s like a cult.