Why are you guys in denial?

I guess you don’t know how data mining works.

I agree. The grinding is the worst ever. The current raid is awful. They made us wait months and months longer to launch shadowlands for this? My guild has been wrecked because some of us don’t have 6 hours a day to play. The marketing dept from blizzard did the game design and so we suffer with meaningless grinding. Valor point system is stupid and designed only for the top 2 percent. And now the new subscription system. Hey Blizzard, you really are awful. Also , I’m allowed to post these facts. Don’t like it? Who gives a F cause you don’t care about us


So you’re saying that systemlands doesn’t suck gnome balls? On top of saying that we should make our own game because we paid for systemlands and got a half of a patch; making us feel ripped off? You sir/mam, are a moron.



There is no grind, this time. No Artifact Power / Azerite Power you-have-to-log-in-every-day-to-do-these-chores.

That’s one of the things they absolutely did right, this time.


I’m not a white knight.

I think Shadowlands is a pretty decent expansion. The only thing it’s lacking is in terms of content.

I don’t think you do.

Actually, what I’ve said is that the give-away 197 covenant gear set made a lot of casual players feel that the things they used to do are pointless and unnecessary, since they “already have better”. That’s why people turn their noses up at world quests now - which DO still drop gear, just like the last 2 expansions. It’s just that the covenant set makes it all obsolete.

Torghast is over and anima is only for cosmetics. I don’t really fuss over either one, these days. Nor would I consider either a grind, for those very reasons.

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You don’t need a sub to use forums.


I was one of the few that said shadowlands couldn’t be worse than bfa. I admit that I was wrong. Even with low expectations it couldn’t deliver.


In a nutshell, one of the hallmarks of an addict, is an overwhelming need to defend their habit. And that’s all that’s really left in WoW, people so crippled by sunken cost fallacy that they’d never be able to actually quit.

I’ve seen like one legitimately new person in literal years. Everything else was just people coming back to chase highs that stopped coming back in cataclysm.

Game will never actually die, but blizzard is never going to fix the game in a meaningful sense, because that would require substantial investment. Game was put into cash cow maintenance mode sometime around WOD.


we must understand that there are a silent customer base not particpating in our outward shoutin.
does that deligitimize our critque ? na. we may be vocal but we arent hyperbolic

You must not know many bowlers XD

I just, but I did spend 7 or so hours at a tournament yesterday.

what on earth are the rest of you being forced to do for 6 hours a day?

Yea no anima soul ash stupid follower missions :smirk:

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Show me another mmo with australian servers… I’m loyal to games that give a crap about my location… own eso, gw2, rift, bdo etc and they are all trash with 200 ping also not as populated as wow anyway from my time on highest servers :joy::joy::joy:

Amazons new world will have aussie servers and it’s pvp based which is all i play (pass on scripted ai… have a ton of single player games with actual stories if i want to play against the pooter)

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Pretty much backed up by the sub change and the $20 buyers remorse study add that to the random loot window pop ups that trigger for even greys, and bamo wow is effectively in casino mode.

A minimum of 1k a week, easily done in 1-2 days

One hour a week, big whoop.

Completely optional, bonus if they are done but not needed to be done and can also be done via ap.

There really is no grind that HAS to be done, with Artifact/Azerite power, your progression was tied to such. In SL it is mostly cosmetics. If one want to grind they can, but don’t claim a grind that amounts to “it is a grind because I hate it” or “It is a grind because I can’t control myself”.

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See, people keep asking OP “What do you care? Go on and play something else if you don’t like WoW!”

There’s two counterarguments I can think of to this.

  1. Have a lot of time invested in WoW, don’t want to go elsewhere, want the game they love to be fun to them again.
  2. If the sub numbers drop enough because there’s a lot of people like OP, it’s going to hurt the people who stay as well, because Blizz will devote fewer and fewer resources to it.

If the OP is massively in the minority, then counterargument #2 doesn’t apply, but who actually knows if they are?

IMO spending your effort complaining that OP is still here posting is dumber than OP spending their effort complaining about a game they don’t find fun.

Nothing wrong with speaking up to say “Meh, I’m having fun.” In theory, that helps us gauge if OP is in the majority or minority (modulo assumptions about sample sizes, etc.) But “Just go away if you don’t like it” IMO isn’t helpful.

Of course, one can argue about the helpfulness of anything one posts, so I’m stopping now. :slight_smile:

Except negativity spreads and creates an echo chamber. So threads like these that provide no constructive criticism of the game only continue the negative trend of the community.

At the end of the day you end up with the same result that you would get from saying “go play another game.”

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I’m sure that adds meaning to your life. Good on ya.