Why are you goblins so rude?

“Short Man Syndrome”.

If that were true, then that would make gnomes the Chihuahuas of WoW

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The Wogans are worse. You go to buy somthing from them and they get all nasty saying your wasting their time… I’ll take my business elsewhere thank you.

Goblins might tell you to hurry it up, with time is money friend, but they aren’t outright mean about it like the Worgan.

My worgans don’t even like the attitude of other worgans. :roll_eyes:

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Well, you see pal. We got something for that and the other thing too. We goblins have all the connections. Relax. Be sure to bring plenty of gold and we’ll get you whatever you need and if you don’t know what you need, we’ll be sure to inform you.


Sheds everywhere

Goblins are New York / Jersey / kinda Australian energy

If they’re swearing at you. You’re friends. Its when they’re NOT swearing at you that you know they’re mad at you


People who main male taurens are usually the rudest players.

Man goblins are one of my favorite races in the game. I wanted to play one since vanilla.

They are just greedy. Like mr. krabs greedy. Probably would make their customers pay them for walking around inside. And have their employees pay them for standing at the cash register and for breathing.

On second thought they are actually pretty terrible. Kind of like modern day americs. Politics and money. All that matters.

Heck. Goblins were able to rope in ogres into slave labor from a quest in tanaris. That is pretty terrible. But I cannot help playing them.

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High Pitched voice crack goblins


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Goblins have that energy though: “No loitering…whatever that means.”


They will also blow anyone up, even their own friends, for entertainment value. Doesn’t matter if someone paid to be there or not. :laughing: I love goblins and their chaotic energy.

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They’re just “short” tempered. Just don’t stoop to thier “level”. Just reach down “low”, and remember to appreciate the “little” things.

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What are you talking about? They always expect you to spend more by guilt tripping you about their children.

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But … but…

A friend of Greymane is a friend of mine!


I like the old shadowfang keep worgens the best. AROOOOOOOOOO!!!

The lore behind the worgens back then was also a bit cooler in my OP. It is nice to be able to play as worgens now. But my beloved shadowfang keep dungeon. It isn’t nearly as cool without Odo the blindwatcher, razorclaw the butcher, rethilgore, wolf master nandos. And all the other worgens in there.

Hmph! The fact that you bring it up makes you rude, crude and ill-mannered. Your mamma didn’t raise you right.

You do understand that goblins are fictional characters right. Your retaliation comment makes my post correct. Someone clearly didn’t raise you properly.

Goblin has been Hordes small race since Cata.
But nobody really cared.
Then along comes some uwu foxies and suddenly small races are cool in the Horde?

I’d be rude too.

Fictional characters!? Uh huh, says the pot to the kettle. Some one dreamed up Vulpera while sitting in an outhouse in Orgrimmar. That’s what happens when you don’t have enough toilet paper to finish the job.

they are rude because they are lower to the ground and have to smell more farts than the rest of us. :wink: