Why are you goblins so rude?

Sniff, sniff, sniff. Ugh, smells like somebody died.

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AH, the great and powerful Shorde!

We’re more likely to blow something up if we’re paid for it, but it is true we do like seeing a good explosion here and there.

Here, hold this: :bomb:



Only thing you’re smelling is your own butt stink as you pick up pennies in Org

What a nice post. A Furry goblin complaining about a shaved goblin

It was meant as a troll post for funny replies when I was in a good mood yesterday. I have since put it on mute because some players decided to get personal and attack the guy behind the character. There is a reason I don’t come here often.


^^ This guy’s humor is crass, but you did say goblins were rude so he’s playing the part. He’s not attacking you personally and I can’t see where any other post from others that could remotely be mistaken for a personal attack.

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I’d be more worried about them turning every zone they inhabit into polluted, sludge filled, inhospitable wastelands. Honestly the goblin race needs to be exterminated for the good of Azeroth at this point.

Waiting to see if this post gets flagged. People are flagging everything on here lately. /popcorn