What? No, they said that 100k was “stolen” from them. They had enough on each character to buy two essences before the patch, now they don’t even have enough to buy one essence. He’s talking about how much more he has to farm just to get back to where he was on Monday.
And why didn’t you just post in that thread? Why did you have to make another thread just to call out that person?
Because until literally yesterday, there was no hurry to do so. Blizzard giving one day’s notice instead of a week is myopic. What if you were sick, working, didn’t feel like playing or just didn’t read the patch notes the day of? You’re boned.
It’s not even procrastination. If Blizz gave sufficient notice it would be on those people. But they didn’t. Whether people sat on their echoes is irrelevant, they can do whatever they want with them.
I have 0 alts yet I know that was just a poor decision.
I read the thread. He’s mad that he’ll have to farm more echoes because instead of buying essences once he could afford them like a normal person, he decided to hoard.
While I do agree that it is kind of silly to just hold on to Echos if there were essences you didn’t have and actually needed/wanted to buy them, but to be fair…
Blizz gave less than 1 day notice for this change. They then said the corruption vendor wouldn’t be up for a day or two added it hours later. That’s not really “notice” for a change like this. They should have given us until the next reset, which is their standard for major changes to currency in the first place.
That would be a question for that guy. However, as someone who has over 20 max level characters, it is very hard to keep track of who has what so having a system makes it easier.
And if I recall those that thread correctly, those echoes were just gained over 2 weeks so it isn’t like they have been hoarding them for months.
No, that’s how much he would need to farm up now to get his alts essences. That’s not what he has and that proves you never read through his post. You got lost at the thread title and now you’re making fun of him when you don’t even understand what he was complaining about.
So the mythic raiders and gladiators that quit… just weren’t putting in the effort? They didn’t quit for ANY FAILINGS ON BLIZZARD’S PART WHATSOEVER? Okay then.
ROFLLMFAOLOL suddenly it wrong for people work hard to farm and keep their essences.
It almost like blizzard and their drone likes to police other how they should play the game.
What have this game become!? What were they thinking!?