I think…
wait no that is dangerous here
I love how every GDKP’er thinks people care about logs, and other things no one is thinking about whatsover.
Imagine caring about virtual video game numbers, when the boss dies anyway.
It’s almost like you play WoW and only WoW, and it shows.
WoW isn’t even a good game by today’s standards, it was many years ago, people are just unable to move on from it because of nostalgia.
Anyway, I wouldn’t invite you if you had a billion gold, because I can smell you from here.
Everyone who defends GDKP is a stinky no-lifer that wants to make WoW their job, because they’ve got nothing else to spend money on, no other prospects in life.
Logs, lmao.
Where did you get the gold?
Im really not thrilled to see GDKPs again. They were awful in classic era and they are awful here. My advice to people is to just make your own groups like I did on Classic Era cause you are not gonna win against the credit card swippers on a bad day.
Where has Zaigo been with his Don’t cares? did he get himself a suspension?
No reason to ban GDKPS, unless you also want to ban the AH too.
Stinky retail player detected, go home. GDKP never ever banned and you’ll forever seethe about it. GDKPs only effect pugs. Stop being one and you’ll never have to think about it. Or stay forever mad, your choice =).
You’re forever paying for my retail and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Get bent.
Collateral damage happens, way of the world.
Imagine caring about virtual video game gold, when you get more than you need by just playing the game normally.
Oh wait, that’s why this entire thread exists, because you bads worship gold and anyone better has to have obtained it in some illicit means, while simultaneously ignoring how to get better.
I couldn’t imagine spending my life playing wow and then parsing a 15. It’s absolutely pathetic. It’s a baby game for baby brained players who are missing 3 of their 5 fingers and you people still mess it up.
Logs is the only thing we have to keep your kind away from our non wiping raids.
The name fits. Imagine not caring about children forced to play the game for hours on end in a sweat shop.
Imagine thinking taking away wow gold grinding is going to shut down child labor in 3rd world countries.
“Darn it, Janet, you’d get to go to school, but this one company in America is easy to make money off of, so you gotta grind gold instead!”
Bad is subjective.
Like it or not, a game is successful by the existence of not just “sweatier” players, but also casual players. People who can only log on a few hours at a time, a few days a week. Where will they find the gold? Removing RMT from the equation, we essentially saying you don’t have access to “any” gear because GDKP essentially will replace PUGs. No gold? No raid.
PuGs depending on the group leader, there is a chance that casual gets into a raid.
Ultimately, it’s just not healthy for the game. It’s that simple. Who cares about being “bad”. Without people playing the game, none of this matters.
Edit: As for me, I don’t min-max nor do I care that much about parses - as long as I’m not doing terrible. When I did play in up to mid TBC Classic, I was a high blue to purple parser. I frankly didn’t care to chase my shaman around to get that drums buff and other things once things were on farm. Warcraft logs only started showing up for me recently on SoD. I ran the wrong rune by accident and lost my 15% crit chance lol - parsed a 42 on bosses. My gear isn’t great, but assuming that’s actually a blue parse. I’m cool with that. Raid wide? I was probably grey. Stuff dies too fast and we start pulling before I can fully drink after buffing everyone.
Let say GDKP is a hard gate keep. Frankly, It doessn’t feel good to feel the need to run BFD again asap just so people aren’t seeing green everywhere, just so I can get into a GDKP. Point being, even though I can hold my own, I can see where those that are “bad” at the game are coming from. GDKP is exactly that. A hard gate keep for casuals vs a soft gate keep where time is the determining factor.
All I can say is: I took part in a GDKP in a BFD yesterday, we had a guy openly admitting he was buying tons of gold in the discord and it was costing him less then 5$ to get like 100g, Bro went on and spent almost 200g on a neck piece blue item in a level 25 raid. Was I happy I made a nice cut from that run ? yes, is it good for what its doing to the economy and the game itself? no, I felt disgusted and won’t ever do another GDKP.
Agreed! I make it a point to report anyone advertising GDKP as “boosting” since it just encourages people to RMT for gear.
You say as you have a smartphone somewhere close by. Bonus points if it’s apple.
Imagine pulling the moral superiority card off of some notion of “children in sweatshops”. We all know it’s Venezuelan men doing it so they can buy bread (big spenders in that country).
Also what is up with low impact trash cans dropping my name like it’s an insult. You’re right, I physically can not care about NPCs such as yourself.
And no where in there did you say you reported him. Really fighting RMT there.
You can google search this. It’s 30 dollars for 100g on average in sod rn.
Inb4 some homie with an extra chromie screeches that I’m buying gold, looking up websites and reading is free. You can do it right now.
Just took your advice, went to G2G and looked on crusader strike alliance, for 17$ US you can get 100. can you talk more absurdities? also thoses were the prices HE claimed, if you think for a second I went to check and confirm what HE was saying at the moment ur a clown. but you should be happy I did it for you.
because the devs run gdkps probably
Your points are meaningless to denote. The amount at which to comment defending GDKP really makes me think you make money from it.
The reality is the USD shouldn’t be the defining factor of anything in this game but cosmetics and services.
This is what Blizzard should step up to address- They need to put the big boy pants on and handle things like adults and either ban GDKP- or provide the same service through Blizzard. Not doing so creates a seedy underground market. Just look at some of the published content about it-on youtube even; it’s pretty dark, and seemingly what no one would want from an MMO to have people playing and people facilitating in cahoots about receiving and distributing in game currency. Those should be services managed through Blizz if they’re in the game at all.
That being said I feel alotta of the rhetoric about GDKP being better than sliced bread is from people that profit of it in some way. Which stands to reason why they would be defending the point like rabid wild dogs.
what?? Lol my skinning mage aoes WC skins everything vendors raw leather sells the perfect deviates… 100g is nothing unless you literally don’t farm just to be farming