1000g some huge amount
level 25 cap
dont care
ban gdkps
1000g some huge amount
level 25 cap
dont care
ban gdkps
So, contrary to what your post says I’m not just talking about SOD. I have experience on classic. Whitemane in particular is filled with GDKPs and the economy is ruined because of it. You can keep denying that I lack experience with GDKPs but when you consider I played on Whitemane which is infamous for them then your argument just falls apart.
can you humor me and tell me how much gold 4 flasks and 40 sp pots are on whitemane?
Pro tip mounts aren’t even in yet and in phase 2 they’ll only be what 50g since the cost is being reduced?
thats it, im starting a gdkp group rn just 2 spite zaigo’s block text posting. pst to join, all items go for a 1k min! epics 2k! tier 1.5k!
Interesting, why tho?
4 flasks of supreme power cost around 3k right now. 40 sp pots cost 2k
Thousands, easily.
I gave you a pretty long explanation last night about it. It was mass gdkps. Now I’m not gonna claim your experience is wrong, it could be different on WotLK. But that’s what happened here.
The toxicity of this thread is mirrored by the toxicity of GDKPs. I wonder why…
this is era im assuming?
It’s more that we’re calling you out on thinking that 1000g is some huge amount that could only possibly be gotten by RMT.
Nope. Never said that. It was said earlier that people are only RMTing to buy small things and that it’s for things like buying their 1k mount and stuff and that everyones ‘too afraid’ to buy the large sums of gold that would be required to bid on GDKPs. I’m saying it’s ridiculous that these people think that way.
4 flasks of supreme power cost around 3k right now. 40 sp pots cost 2k
And here’s the nifty part there’s nothing stopping you from going out farming the mats and then selling them for those same prices.
It’s more that we’re calling you out on thinking that 1000g is some huge amount that could only possibly be gotten by RMT.
Nope. Never said that. It was said earlier that people are only RMTing to buy small things and that it’s for things like buying their 1k mount and stuff and that everyones ‘too afraid’ to buy the large sums of gold that would be required to bid on GDKPs. I’m saying it’s ridiculous that these people think that way.
And virtually all items in GDKP’s also don’t go for those huge amounts of gold you claim can only be gotten from RMT.
GDKP is fine, RMT going unpunished is the problem. Don’t blame the players for using a loot system, blame blizz for not enforcing the rules.
So, contrary to what your post says I’m not just talking about SOD
Speak on your SoD character and not your WotLK GDKP haven character
You don’t speak on your SoD character
This is a SoD thread.
You’re a quotable moron.
virtually all items
because its the end of the phase.
wait till phase 2 prices
dont care
ban gdkps
People buy gold, they pay a crap ton of gold for whatever they want. The gold gets spread between the people in the raid. The people in the raid that didn’t buy gold just got a stupid amount of gold. At least a handful of these people use this ill-gotten gold to buy consumes or whatever else, sometimes they buy everything out. People repost things for stupid high prices. People with the GDKP gold don’t really care how much they have to pay for whatever they’re buying from the AH, because they have so much, so they pay whatever the price is for whatever they need. The prices skyrocket because for everything from BoEs to consumes because of this. Now the only way to afford consumes is to either buy gold or go to GDKPs and hope a big “buyer” comes in and pays a stupid amount for an item so they can afford consumes for whatever else they’re doing. Eventually, after this has gone on long enough, the primary way to make gold to afford things is to either cheat or to go to GDKPs or run them yourself. After this goes on long enough, the primary raid you said being run in general is a GDKP. Now all you have is GDKPs and a select amount of LC and SR runs that can’t get going because all the people that are actually trying are only doing GDKPs because they need to use their lockouts to afford consumes.
The bots create literally millions of gold that wasn’t in the economy. The gold buyers buy that gold, they use that gold to buy stuff in GDKPs for stupid amounts. That gold gets spread to non-gold buyers. They buy out the auction house. They repost for higher pricers. Other gdkpers no longer care about the price of items. They pay whatever they have to. People keep posting for high prices because it sells. Everyone has to find someway to afford their consumes so they also do GDKPs.
This is reality. This is what happened. I know it doesn’t suit your narrative, but that’s how this works.
Then, comes the WoW token.
Last I heard, Nax GDKPs on Whitemane were seeing payouts in excess of 60k
Yeah, a gressil went for well over a million not too long ago. That’s 5 freaking gold caps
assuming you guys are talking about era.
cuz why would anyone pay 600g for a supreme power flask on wotlk
when did these prices really start going up?