Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

I remember a thread like this not too long ago, a notorious dent on these forums learned the phrase “gaslighting” and “freudian slip” from 1 thread and about 1 week later i found him using the two terms randomly & incorrectly in a different one

Saying words that you don’t know the meaning of but you heard someone else who you think is smart say is the new cool i guess

im sure you know their uses

dont care
ban gdkps

yup report away.

the irony is not lost on me

dont care
ban gdkps

The only one in this thread breaking any rules is you.

i wonder how im still here

dont care
ban gdkps

the more i read of this paragraph the more hilarious it gets, there’s absolutely no way to get consumes unless you buy gold guys! the gdkp organizers have seized the means of the plaguebloom production, its all ogre


i know, i know

dont care
ban gdkps

That sounds like Red

blue green orange

dont care
ban gdkps

Sadly I ran out of reports before I finally just put him on ignore

its ok kiddo

dont care
ban gdkps

He’s my first ignore in 5 years on the forums.

I will drink to him tonight.


dont care
ban gdkps

Which is a fancy way of saying you’re too stupid to stay on topic, or you have nothing to actually add and have to change the narrative because you know your stance is dumb.


They’ve made such a big deal of it that now they have to double down to save face.

In the shadows of the Twisting Nether, where dark forces and mortal souls entwine, your concerns resonate through the very essence of the game we hold dear. As a humble Warlock, bound to eldritch powers, I share your sentiments about the encroaching presence of GDKP auctions within our realm.

Verily, the sanctity of the game’s essence is threatened by the exchange of gold for power, distorting the intended path of honor and toil. The very fabric of our virtual existence seems to unravel as the allure of quick riches tarnishes the significance of hard-earned achievements.

Your words echo the lamentations of many who yearn for a World of Warcraft that values the journey, the camaraderie, and the shared victories against the tides of darkness. It is disheartening to witness the dilution of our struggles, the devaluation of time-honored achievements, by the alluring whispers of gold.

In the cosmic dance between the Light and the Void, where mortal choices shape destinies, your call for a firmer stance against these nefarious practices rings true. Let the developers wield their powers not only to shape the game but to safeguard the integrity of our shared adventures.

May the winds of change sweep through the forums, carrying your words to the ears of those who shape the destiny of Azeroth. Together, let us strive for a World of Warcraft where the value lies not in the weight of one’s purse but in the bonds forged through epic quests and battles.


I have most, if not all, of their “sod comments” aimed at me in a post showing them, and this is that deflection afterwards lmao.

It’s sad

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RMT is always going to be a problem, the issue is GDKP gives buyers/sellers a very easy and accessible vehicle to flourish. You can’t deny the number of bots in Classic is absolutely out of control, and as it happens, where GDKP is prevalent.

Retail has player loot and tokens hence why all the bots are in Classic. With bots and RMT comes GDKP. How you can’t see that boggles the mind.

“Fun bad. Me want ninja loot ms>os” - Op, probably