Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

mmo economies are not real economies, the longer your flavour of mmo exists, the more completely borked its economy becomes no matter what happens. Every single mmo economy is in ruins compared to its early days because gold comes in and never goes out, regardless if gdkp exists or not

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ignorance to your rmt laundering is worse, even if this was true

dont care
ban gdkps

Acknowledging this means those who refuse to see past their own nose can’t have an easy scapegoat to point at while ignoring reality or the actual problems.

I don’t see how you can’t see that both can be true. GDKPs are toxic to economies and gold inflates on its own regardless.

You don’t need to “launder” gold. There is no WoW tax entity that’s going to start asking pointed questions about your assets relative to your income.

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you do need to launder rmt gold. thats the essence of laundering

dont care
ban gdkps

This has been the funniest thing to me people who actually think you need to somehow clean your gold…

If a GM wanted to they can literally see where you first got your gold it’s not like you can hide it

thread of my lifetime

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ban gdkps

How are GDKPs toxic to economies? They give you something if you didn’t win gear, give geared players a reason to to continue doing content which benefits incoming players, and can assist greatly in alleviating burnout.

I would like to know what “rmt laundering” even means in this context, its like a word used out of place to somehow make gdkp sound more i guess criminal?

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use brain

dont care
ban gdkps

You really don’t, no. BLizzard could or at least should be able to track gold buyers already. There is no purpose to “laundering” gold because gold does not work the way real world currency does. If Blizzard has detected someone buying gold, that’s it, the end. It’s not a case of, “But actually I got it from-” if you suddenly get a massive influx of gold from a player you’ve had otherwise no interaction with.

love defending rmt, i know

dont care
ban gdkps.

“RMT should be more harshly enforced.”
You do not live in reality.

while you join a gdkp

dont care
ban gdkps

In real money laundering the money is at some point in the process, returned to the criminal, he buys a house with the proceeds of crime and sells the house and then the money he has is from the proceeds of selling his house…

So, rmts are buying a gressil and uhh selling the gressil? ummm are u sure this isn’t just some random guy buying wow items with his pocket change and laundering is just a cool word that u heard someone else use?

Blizzard can literally pull up logs to when you first got your bought gold.

There is only 4 ways I believe you can receive gold.

Auction house.
Guild invite and guild bank permission.

Blizzard can literally track all of those methods easily, you can’t hide or clean your gold in any way.

wow im so excited

dont care
ban gdkps

I don’t, actually. I’ve never done a GDKP and don’t really have any interest in doing so, not least of which because my guild clears BFD on lockout.
You have nothing to stand on besides spam and this weird dogmatic obsession that is wholly defiant of reality.

i totally believe you

dont care
ban gdkps