Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

So they’ve…increased the price of items, but no one is buying them and they are just going to lose on them, so they didn’t increase the price of items at all, if i buy a bottle of pepsi and resell it at my lemonade stand for $5000, is the price of pepsi now $5000?

cant imagine paying gold for level 25 items, maybe if it was like DFT from BWL or something though

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No, people buy them because they don’t have a choice. They’re about to go to raid and they’re underprepared for it. But they have a mountain of GDKP gold and they’re about to make another mountain of GDKP gold in that naxx gdkp. So they just pay the inflated fake price cause they don’t have another choice.

is seeing the rmt launderers qq into oblivion

dont care
ban gdkps

That’s a ridiculous assertion when chats and groups exist. It isn’t difficult at all to offer to pay someone for consumeables at a much more reasonable price that’s still worth their while.

on lockout

dont care
ban gdkps

ofcourse they have a choice lmao, its wow,

“uhh guys can someone help me? i logged in at 7:59 for a raid at 8 on a tuesday and ran to the ah to buy some consumes and they were more expensive, those darn gold buyers”

yeah its a giant leap to think gdkps are rmt laundering

dont care
ban gdkps

In an alternate reality we woulda been friends ziago.

That would require communication and using the AH is a lot easier than communicating with someone and getting consumes made when you have a mountain of gold that you have nothing else to spend on.

That would require people caring about it enough to communicate with people about it. They’d rather just pay since the gold doesn’t matter to them cause they have so much.

I can’t believe the price of peacebloom all because some guy bought a ring in ICC.


if only, could still happen.

dont care
ban gdkps

Its kinda funny to see a guy explain an economy in ruin by describing what has happened every single tuesday night since mid vanilla, the people who somehow don’t know that the consumes they used last week will be used tonight and they have a raid in 4 minutes and get spiked on some of their raid consumes = a master manipulator behind the scenes funded by gdkps is buying out the auction house

If that’s the case, then what, exactly, is the issue? You framed your point as if people were being excluded from content due to the prices of consumables.

That’s part of a running joke on era actually. “I saw him out there picking the peacebloom day and night, that’s how he afforded that 1m Gressil”

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Can you provide proof that bots keep inflation under check? On my server Atiesh consumables have gone up more 200%.

Speed Pots in week 8 of Wotlk were 8g, today 19.5g

Flask of Endless Rage were 10g gold, today they are 33g99s.

Inflation happens over time as more gold gets injected into the economy but with bots farming, buyers doing RMT and GDKPs pumping insane gold into players pockets it accelerates the inflation.

It’s all sh t and you know it. You are personally benefitting though so you will never admit it.

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This is why I farm a few days out of the week, but most of my AH listings fall on Tuesdays.

Inflated prices. I see no actual issue with the inflation cause I can pretty easily survive here, as can anyone that tries. The argument is that GDKPs don’t cause inflation. I’m arguing the contrary with my experience.

The answer is simple really, harder content x ban wave x bots taken away from wotlk and added to sod, a speed pot on benediction was as low as 4 gold during togc, that’s cheaper than a tbc haste potion in tempest keep

interested to know how he benefits tho, go on