Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

Sometimes the real world solutions are about lowering propensities since outright elimination isn’t attainable

dreamfoil is 8g
arcane crystals 100g
gromsblood 5g

you could farm 1000g worth of mats relatively quickly.
I know most people wish you could just use the gold from boss drops and buy consumes for the next week and raid log.

But its not 15 years ago.

15 years ago… not many people used consumes, potions and flasks on CD to ensure high performance.

the land scape changed and blizzard did next to nothing to accommodate it.

At the end of the day its always going to be supply vs demand that increases prices.

YES a large amount of gold in the economy means things naturally drift upwards. but people who farm materials to sell benefit from this as well.

the only people who suffer are the low effort raid loggers.

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sweet summer child

dont care
ban gdkps

Any chance we can report this guy that just keeps copy/pasting himself for spam?

The screwed economy isn’t optional. Keep denying RMT is rampant in GDKPs though it’s amusing as a whitemane player having seen how bad it is.

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the irony is not lost on me

dont care
ban gdkps

Here’s another RMT defense spiel coming in. ZzzZZZZZ.

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He’s literally the only person I had to put on ignore in 5 years of the forums.

along with your non rmt “buyers”

dont care
ban gdkps

Alright, to the block list then…

Also, I don’t think you know what irony is

my shock

dont care
ban gdkps

The screwed economy would exist without GDKPs. That’s what you refuse to even consider.

The screwed economy exists because of RMT. RMT can, has, and will exist without GDKPs. RMT will always exist. The negative effects of RMT, including those caused by a potential feedback loop involving GDKPs, is solved by actually enforcing existing RMT rules.

Banning GDKPs would do -absolutely nothing- to mitigate economic problems caused by RMT, but would cause problems for players because GDKPs serve a functional purpose. GDKPs can continue to serve that purpose without causing any harm to the economy, because the harm to the economy is created by RMT.

Given that RMT existed in WoW prior to GDKPs taking off, that RMT exists in games with no analogue to GDKPs, that RMT exists in every MMO, what makes you think that banning GDKPs is the solution? It just flat-out does not make any sense.

my brain

dont care
ban gdkps

I wish I was around when this was originally posted, its really a post made with absolutely 0 understanding of how big wow servers are now and the effect “buying out” the auction house would have. There is a reason why people with millions of gold don’t buy out the auction house and that reason is, they can’t and even if they could, they’d lose gold on it.


people love rmt laundering through gdkps

dont care
ban gdkps

Yea that’s why the AH prices for consumes really never go up on my WOTLK server,they talk about inflation and I just dont see it

On big wow servers. You said those words yourself. You have no understanding of era. People do it here for fun, not for profit. They’ll reset the market cause they can. People post things for higher pricers just cause they can. They don’t care if people actually buy them or not. Era is not a big wow server.

Not. To. The. Same. Extent.

The. Extent. Is. The. Issue. And. The. Easiest. Thing. To. Reduce.

(And also the only realistic option)

Removing an entire loot method doesn’t seem realistic at all

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the cope is funny

dont care
ban gdkps