Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

/shrug it’s fine on my server.

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Bare faced lie but okay. Used to those by now.

on whitemane classic era? what server?

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Yes the people claiming that everyone in GDKP’s RMT’s is a lie, thanks for admitting it :slight_smile:

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Woooooah it’s almost like the conversation goes in different places because you repeat the same dumb sh repeatedly. Fancy that. You’re braindead.

rmt or laundering rmt are the same difference.

dont care
ban gdkps

The only reasons GDKPs would cause inflation are the exact same reason the AH eventually causes inflation; greater throughput. GDKPs on their own don’t spontaneously generate gold that didn’t exist prior, and will be marginal next to the AH with or without RMT.

On era, the good gdkps make sure they have at least a few “big buyers” so that the pot is good.

GDKPs are about getting big pay outs and if you think people don’t look for the biggest buyers you’re deluded. End of story.

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How would you know that? Unless you’re joining those GDKPs that you hate so much yourself, then the only “reliable” source is the odd “OMG THEY SPENT HOW MUCH ON A SWORD???” clickbait YouTube videos that are not indicative of the average experience

That’s prices from era on alliance side yeah.

Your head is too deep in the sand.

How about if I personally know the people in the GDKP where gressils are regularly going for close to a million, if not a million, and if I’ve also seen the exact same thing myself?

I know it because it’s a reality of whitemane. GL affording thousands of gold of consumes on era without GDKP. You’re not getting it from picking flowers on a priest lmao.

perpetuate rmt

dont care
ban gdkps

Okay? that doesn’t change there’s a finite amount people will pay for items.

They create alts. They do the same thing. They quit. They get banned. More come. If GDKPs were not a long term sustainable thing then they’d have dried out by now. But they’re still very much alive.

Blizz doesnt enforce the rules.

Don’t care about your opinion.
Stop spamming.

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The mere existence of an MMO is what perpetuates RMT, not GDKPs.
Games that have absolutely nothing like GDKPs have RMT. WoW had RMT before the advent of GDKPs.
There is absolutely no basis to suggest that GDKPs are a singularly driving factor of RMT, and to say so is an outright lie that can be dispelled by the existence of RMT existing in every single MMO ever made.

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Your arguments are just barely connected to the fabric of reality. You are off in the clouds