Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

Sure it doesn’t affect me in anyway if they live or get banned

wow i totally believe that you believe that

dont care
ban gdkps

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things go up in price because people need them. and the amount that is available.

you claim that more gold in the system means higher prices in WoW. In some aspects this is true but its not a given.

here is a very simple example.

when a server launches. like day 1… the price of linen, peacebloom… all that low level stuff. is 10x50 times more expensive than its about to be in 2 months.

yet the server’s economy has probably increased by %100,000

I played 60 on vanilla era as well. My experience is more than you’re letting on.

Not surprising in the least.

because of this mentality

dont care
ban gdkps

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I agree ban them. Doesn’t affect my experience in the game with or without

its kind of unhealthy to be this upset over GDKPs. need help?


LOL imagine not even understanding they’re asking for people who will buy gear in the run not people who RMT.

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for the game to have gdkps

dont care
ban gdkps

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You could just play the game and ignore them, do it for your health

If someone goes off and clears out all the raid consumables because they just got handed 5000 gold on vanilla in a GDKP then yes the raid consume prices are going to adjust based on that diminished supply.

i dont play pretend

dont care
ban gdkps

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I mean you’re playing wow

oh wow i am so surprised by your use of language

dont care
ban gdkps

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You’re not a very good troll

Maybe on era it’s like that because of the way Black lotus works but I don’t play that version all I know is what you’re saying does not hold true to the version I play.

And you don’t need to do a gdkp to be able to do that anybody with gold in your example can do that…

Those servers have been out for 5 years.

Yeah some just aren’t on that spectrum I guess.

wow im amazed

dont care
ban gdkps

And when that actually happens then you can complain.

It hasn’t been an issue the entirety of classic though so…