Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

Wait is he the guy who had that name in the thread complaining about it being zucc’d? I dont remember the OP.

I mean are you still trying to insist that staying on topic which is GDKP discussion is ‘ignoring other aspects’. I’ve told you many many times now that I want RMT in general gone but you just willfully ignore that and go repeating the same dribble over and over. Kinda insane.

Lockouts reset today, bout to go make a butt load.

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demand causes inflation more.

you’ve clearly never played and experienced high pop vs low pop servers.

on servers that need alot of something that isnt plenty. that is why its expensive. for example in classic.

Black lotus was insanely expensive on certain servers. not because of bots. but because it was limited and 20,000 people need a flask

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It literally doesn’t… Somebody buying a ring doesn’t magically make raid consumables cost more that’s not how any of this works.

The bots keep supply higher than demand no matter how much gold is spent in a gdkp since supply is higher than demand prices drop.

youve already burned your lockout, which is why your here

dont care
ban gdkps

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You say it, and we agree, and then you turn around and focus solely on this, which, has history has shown, and culture, the AH would take back over if it ever lost it’s place in sod’s RMT to begin with.

You are 10% right and then go 100% wrong.

I really don’t understand why GDKP’s are an issue. I’ve played the entirety of SoD solo pugging raids and got all the gear I need, my eyes just glaze over GDKP’s at this point when I see the acronym in chat. If you need a GDKP to get you through a raid I feel sorry for you but do what you need to do I guess.

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ignorance is not so bliss

dont care
ban gdkps

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I’m cleaning the halls at my school atm, funposting at work just a perk.

out your mailbox? i bet

dont care
ban gdkps

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I don’t know what you’re trying to say

Sure it doesn’t affect me in anyway if they live or get banned

wow i totally believe that you believe that

dont care
ban gdkps

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things go up in price because people need them. and the amount that is available.

you claim that more gold in the system means higher prices in WoW. In some aspects this is true but its not a given.

here is a very simple example.

when a server launches. like day 1… the price of linen, peacebloom… all that low level stuff. is 10x50 times more expensive than its about to be in 2 months.

yet the server’s economy has probably increased by %100,000

I played 60 on vanilla era as well. My experience is more than you’re letting on.

Not surprising in the least.

because of this mentality

dont care
ban gdkps

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I agree ban them. Doesn’t affect my experience in the game with or without

its kind of unhealthy to be this upset over GDKPs. need help?