Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

I always find it funny how people think that banning GDKPs would be such a monumental task.

Literally if you start perma banning people, the GDKPs will VANISH.

where did all the gdkp shills go?

oh right, raid reset was today. lol

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I agree with the OP 100%

GDKP’s, botters, sellers, buyers, all of these need to go. ASAP.

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Gotta sleep some time.

Not everybody can survive on a diet of bile.

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And what about people willing to pay tanks 5g to tank an instance. should they too be banned?


dont care
ban gdkps

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They should be pitied and encouraged to follow the GDKP’s, botters, buyers and seller wherever else the heck they choose to go once they are banned from the game. TBH though, I don’t pity folks who feel they ‘need’ to buy a tank for 5g/runs. For those who are just good at farming and don’t mind dropping 5-honestly-earned-gold, sorry, the problems above still need to go.

Yes it is the GDKPs fault just as much as RMT/bots and this as result will cause the inflation in the AH. How is this ? you may ask, EZ to explain; one feeds the other is symbiotic relationship. if you allow GDKP with the ridiculous prices they ask for items in their raids it makes players go and buy gold aiding the inflation in the AH therefor helping bots which at the same time sell the Gold. there is a solution to this at least a solution for classic era and SoD is a drastic solution that many wow era players will not digest easily, ( retail and WoTLK are doom because of blizzars greed ) The solution is Minimum and maximum price capping low price capping will be so bad for bot/RMT because getting ingame currency would so easy for the regular player base completly removing the need for RMT hence killing the RMT/bot industry and the same time discouraging GDKPs with addition of perma banning it.

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It depended on your server. I was on a small RP server, so GDKPs were not prevalent at all.

They don’t want to spend the money and resources on dealing with bots. You think they’ll want to spend money on policing player behaviour on top of it? It all comes down to money.

Yes, it is. It’s a random discord for WoW. What you are doing is like calling an NFL fan site ‘official’ because it tracks something, and then using this random discord as evidence that GDKPs either dont exist or are happening so infrequently its a problem

Then what, you logged onto a server and waited around for 5 mins in chat at who knows what time of day?


Log into Lone Wolf after normal work hours today and have a look at chat (make sure your monitor is turned on). It will add samples to this apparent survey you are doing

Seems to be a misconception that everyone is walking out of gdkps with 100’s of gold. Unless there some dumbo throwing gold at everything you might be lucky to walk out with 30g let alone 100g. Unless you are running 8 level 25’s doing gdkps on every single one on every lockout the only people make REAL gold are the people setting up these raids because they are double dipping by taking a host cut plus their normal cut and most likely they are the ones running these non-stop.

Below is a simple 2 steps solution to GDKP:

1- Never participate in one
2- When you see the phrase “GDKP” in chat, right click and push ignore.

If everybody does these 2 simple steps we won’t have any issues with GDKP.

Fake numbers mean nothing.

Actual history does though. Blizzard introduced a physical Authenticator to players in Lich King as a response to the greatly increased account theft reports. Why were they being stolen? To liquidated all player assets into gold to be sold to other players.

And not a single gdkp was in sight during this time period. Vanity, consumables, trades, AH, and everything else, was.

But sure, let’s ignore 15 years of history and be mad at gdkps for whatever reason.

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Bullcrap. The issue with GDKP is to trying to monetize everything and undermine the importance of guilds.

None of that crap happens to guilds.

The only thing GDKP facilitates is RMT.


Pug raids exist? You sleep

Pug raid exists with a loot system you don’t like? Scream about it on the forums for years for no reason.

You people are delusional and cope filled with trash arguments that are dismantled with half thought comments.

If you’re going to ride the hill of “muh guild importance” then maybe guilds should be better than a pug loot system.

GDKP is a player issue. There’s no way to tell whether the gold was farmed legitimately or not. Just ignore them and find a guild.

I don’t want your dirty RMT gold and I am not gonna give you the gold I made from questing. Period. I rather stick to /roll. Keep your garbage GDKP crap out of classic.

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Didn’t ask.


Guilds should be better than a pug loot system if they don’t want to be replaced by said pug loot system. Seethe more.


Gdkp’s dump huge amounts of gold in guilds/groups, that directly benefit from swift card whales.

This people compete in AH against the average player that doesn’t do gdkp’s and by extent doesn’t have access to whale gold.

That’s one of the reasons why there’s people in the forums and in social media white knighting gdkp’s as it was the last fight of their lives.

Just be a sweaty guild and sit on top of gdkp’s and do nothing besides get capped on gold, at the expense of made in rmt gold, hoarding like there is no tomorow, for the next phases.

Gdkp’s are a disease in classic.

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