Why are you allowing GDKP in SoD?

You can report them. Blizzard is looking into their characters and banning them for other related things.

Like botting or gold selling.

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loves gdkps so they can implement the wow token

dont care
ban gdkps

Report them and they will get banned.

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wow, im shocked

dont care
ban gdkps

Even if they ban GDKPs you will still have to report people to get them banned.

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no wonder

dont care
ban gdkps

Because GDKP’s are actually the most fair loot system for PUG’s. As someone who has been in high end guilds that required PUG’s the ammount of sketchy stuff that went on was waaaay worse then GDKP’s. Anytime a big ticket item would drop in a MS>OS situation, EVERY guildy would roll on a item and then trade internally. Also don’t be so nieve that in MS>OS situations that there is back door gold trading for items aswell.

GDKP’s is a fantastic loot system that rewards ALL players involved, this includes carries that don’t need anything, players that need loot but didnt get anything and allows you to cover costs for consumables which Vanilla is super heavy on.

The main issue here is that World of Warcraft was designed to be a community driven game, people are supposed to be doing raiding with guilds, not PUG’s.


for people who buy gold/participate in rmt laundering

dont care
ban gdkps

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What you are doing is spamming and is against the rules.

the irony is not lost on me.

dont care
ban gdkps

You know what’s sad?

Spending money to be happy in a video game is basically a vicious cycle, because you bought the thing instead of having earned it, it doesn’t fill you with a sense of accomplishment, so you keep doing it again and again.

Shoveling money into a void that’ll never fill.

And these are 30-40 year old men doing this.

It’s addictive, and I’ll never pay money to bid on items in a videogame, ever.

Thank god normal groups still exist.

GDKP just promotes buying gold and ultimately hurts the game.


Well your being nieve, RMT trading inflates the economy on servers, but you are exluding the fact that GDKP raiders are more then capable of saving gold on these runs, also exluding the fact that ANYONE can go farm big ticket items and sell on the AH. Gold buyers are not the root of everything lmao. People are more then capable of making gold and using their gold in other ways. Also even if there is a whale that joins a GDKP that buys gold, why are you complaining? It’s way better than, have someone who wins a epic item that in a MS>OS environment (which only encourages players that NEED loot) and having a way lower chance of getting a item, then someone who makes a item un-buyable in a single raid that you end up receiving something in return.

The last GDKP i went in, almost every item sold for a min bid of 5g, you can easily go farm 10g per hour farming the Naga in Hilsbrad, the centaurs in Thousand Needles, etc.

sounding out your words to spell it never works the way you think it does, does it kid?

dont care
ban gdkps

Blizz can’t stop third party gold sellers. Blizz can only stop foul language on their forums.

small indie company btw

dont care
ban gdkps

u are absolutely right.

all the outrage is hilarious because these are actually VERY good prices, even by 2007 standards. ppl need 2 go read wowhead comments or do brief internet searches, they will be enlightened. GDKP does nothing but affect BiS gear, and even then, a botted economy would negate it.

if you got rid of bots, if you got rid of gdkp, you would be shocked by how expensive things would get. taking money out of the economy and redistributing it to the wealthiest players actually helps u as a noob with no impulse control

tell me you buy gold without telling me

dont care
ban gdkps

sniff sniff

i smell poverty chasing dopamine

swipers no swiping

dont care
ban gdkps

And the combo of RMT and GDKP being the dominant form of Raid Pugging means players have little reason to look for and join Guilds which I feel is bad for the health of the game. It’s a vicious circle.

There’s no easy solution though. We all a want a player driven economy but as long as Blizz can’t/won’t stop Bots and RMT we get inflation which pushes players to need more and more Gold to afford consumables for end game which then pushes those players to host GDKP runs to pay for it all.